Monday, October 19, 2009

Pop-tarts and Parasites or My Excuse for Not Writing...

So where have I been lately?  With the sudden erratic weather-- hot one day, cold the next-- I've been out and about a little more than ususal, trying to take advantage of the last few warm days of the year.  I generally write this blog in the afternoons, after watching a little bit of the Y&R and/or after walking with my mama down the road a ways, however I've been a little less talkative lately and there's been plenty going on. 

Let me fill you in:

Exactly a week ago I got a text message from my newly married friend, Olivia who just happened to be fresh from her honeymoon to the Dominican Republic, asking me to call her.  And of course I did.  I was excited to hear from her because the Husbter and I went there on our honeymoon and I couldn't wait to get an update.  Of course, her and her new Hubby are much more adventurous than the Hubster and I and they actually ventured out into the cities of DR and had a delightful time sampling local faire and meeting people.  I recall on my honeymoon never speaking to a single soul except the Hubster and the wait staff of the resort.  We are good resort people--snobby, lay-around-by-the-pool-with-umbrellas-in-your-drink-kind.  Olivia and her man-- they are camp counselor type people-- hikers.  But it takes all kind.  Now it is possible they have some sort of Third World Country Parasite.  For real, I'm serious.  Maybe next time they'll stick to eating resort pizza and drinking fun drinks from the comfort of the king-sized bed in the hotel room!

So that was why I got side tracked on Monday.

Tuesday was a beautiful and warm day. So I decorated for Halloween and planted a few mums after work-- I threw out a few "Funkins" and hung a cool looking Spider Web-- it is beautiful.  I'll be sure to post some pictures once I get everything like I like it... still got a couple mum's to plant.

My other good friend is getting married in December and I've decided to throw a Lingerie Shower at my home in a few weeks.  So Wednesday afternoon I went to my favorite invitation/stationary store and ordered the prettiest hot pink and black invites I could find.  That took all afternoon.

Thursday was miserable-- cold and rainy-- the only thing that could have made it worse was snow.  Luckily, we are months away from the threat of snow-- I hope.  Someone told me today that El Nino was going to cause it to be a tough Winter with lots of snow (for us)-- and I hate the cold.  Anyway-- I had a 6 o'clock hair/highlight appointment and that took up the whole afternoon and into the night... but don't worry-- I didn't miss a single minute of Grey's.

Friday was crisp and sunny, so mama and I decided to walk.  And Friday would have been a great day to write because I had plenty to complain about-- for starters-- why does my face keep breaking out?  Even with the Retin A cream that the doctor prescribed?  Since then I've discontinued use and made an appointment with a new dermatologist that also has a cosmetic side to the practice.  My last dermatologist was only interested in removing moles and treating scalp diseases of elderly folks... they could have cared less about my zit farm.  But luckily for y'all-- walking was a better way to burn off my steam.

The weekend was nice-- busy.  The Hubster and I took the weekend off-- no parties, no social events.  Just went out to eat with my folks one night and hung out with my sister and her boyfriend at our favorite Mexican place the other night.  I didn't feel like writing... I felt like cleaning and Saturday I did just that.

We did decide to go car shopping on Sunday-- or car looking.  I love going to town with the Hubster-- he always stops at Starbucks and Krispy Kreme.  He loves a good White Chocolate Mocha almost as much as I do.  We've decided to wait on the car thing and focus on the house building.  I'm torn though-- I'd love a black and white leather interior VW CC but not quite as much as a nice granite countertop on my personal kitchen island.  Being an adult is sort of sucking-- you just can't have it all!

Tonight I decided to get my butt in gear.  I cooked dinner-- which was a complete and total disaster... the first complete disaster ever in my short cooking history.  Word of advice-- never, not ever, go to the grocery store hungry!  Not only will you buy junk and spend way too much money, but you (I say you and mean I) will end up buying some cheesy-potato-hamburger helper box that looks so yummy but actually tastes like plastic and something I can't quite place.  As God as my witness, I'll never buy that crap again!

Really, it was so bad that when the Hubster carried out the remainder of the dish (like all of it except what the Hubster ate-- proof that he must really love me) to the dog--Buddy sniffed it, took a bite and then peed on it and continued to eat it.

As my wonderful husband put it, "It just needed something extra!"  I'll be eating a Strawberry Pop-tart for my dinner tonight.  Good thing I ate a bunch of cookies when I got home from work!

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