Monday, October 31, 2011

29 Things to be Happy About...

I turned 29 on the 29th and that got me thinking... a new year, a new attitude, and with plenty of things to look forward to in the coming 365 days

Here's to...
1.  Decorating our new house
2.  Good healthy food
3.  Daily prayer, written in my journal
4.  Business ventures with my friend Olivia
5.  Business ventures with the Husband
6.  Learning to love yard work!
7.  Making time for friends
8.  Professional Wedding Direction
9.  Creative outlets
10.  Organization at work
11.  Organization at home
12.  Acupuncture
13.  Spending time with family
14.  Spending time with the Husband in our new house!
15.  Positive thinking
16.  Learning to say No and meaning it!
17.  Taking time to just enjoy life
18.  Learning to use my new Cricut machine
19.  Saving money
20.  Good conversation
21.  Eating in (increasing my cooking menu)
22.  Exercising
23.  Less stress
24.  Learning to sew
25.  Convincing the Husband to let me plan his 30th birthday party
26.  Planning my Very Scary 30th Birthday party for next year!
27.  Trying new things
28.  Working on a the Baby project 2012
29.  Finding time for the important things!

Sounds like I've got quiet a year ahead of me... I hope that each of you has something special in mind for your year!

1 comment:

  1. It's things like this that make me realize why you're my best friend...i feel like a wrote this.
