Monday, November 7, 2011


Friday morning a blinding light flooded into my bedroom.  I awoke.  Angry and confused I looked over at the Husband who had just flopped back into bed.  What is the bathroom light doing on?  His reply was that it was so dark he couldn't possibly make it the 10 feet or so from the bathroom to the bed without having some sort of light to guide the journey.  Are you going to leave it on?  He was was.  What did it matter anyway, it was only a "little light." 


As I got out of my perfectly warm bed to turn off the "little light" and walk, in the complete darkness, back to bed (safely I might add) I realized that I was getting sick.  I had all the symptoms-- the stuffy nose, the sore throat, the headache...


Long story short-- I have a cold.  Sunday was the worst.  My entire head hurt-- including the roots of my hair.

I've laid around for two days straight and I'm hoping the rest will have done me some good.  I go back to work tomorrow and I'd hate to be all snotty, spreading germs all over school. 

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