Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Today, Last Week, and This Weekend...

My allergies are acting up... probably because I spent the majority of the weekend volunteering my time at the local Civil War battlefield's anniversary weekend, outside.  Our local chapter of the United Daughter's of the Confederacy is funding a rather expensive project for the site and we were begging cash from all the tourists that happened to stop by our table.

I'm a horrible salesperson. 

The weather has been very summery lately... which is a great thing because that means I can actually walk in the afternoons after work which I find to be a great stress reliever.  Seeing how we are in the building process and it is testing season at work, I can use all the stress busting I can get.  I love walking. The white legs and pollen on the other hand-- I could do without.

Today was a long one for me.  This morning I had a follow up visit with the RE... and then back at work I had to give a Quarterly Assessment to a group of rowdy 4th graders... one of which shoes' smelled like dead mice... We only tested from 9:15 until 1:20.  The RE visit was a little unnerving.  You will soon be looking at a 100 pound pin cushion... and I'm not really thrilled about it.  But the Hubster is.

As for the house building... things are rolling right along and I have pictures to prove it.

All the doors and windows are officially in.  The framers have basically finished and now the plumbers and electricians are moving in on their jobs.  Yesterday we got our soaking tub, upstairs shower/tub unit, and our back entry shower for the dirty man that lives with me.

Friday I had to pick out plumbing fixtures-- I was notified of this decision on Friday.  We also had to make the decision on whether or not we would have a central vac system as that has to be decided on early on.  My parents decided that they would do that for us.  And I'm very greatful.  I'm so lucky to have such caring and supportive parents.  They really go the extra mile, without ever being asked.  My sister and I are very fortunate girls.

And speaking of my sister this weekend is her first official Pre-Wedding Party.  Her Engagement Party is taking place this weekend at my Uncle and Aunt's house.  I'm so excited to see everyone-- espeically my friend Olivia and her super sweet hubby! 

Hopefully I'll be able to still a few more moments this week to continue the house updates!

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