Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Week, in a Nut Shell...

For those of you new to the blog, which would be most of you, the Hubster and I recently embarked on building our dream home.  After years and many months of talking and planning we have now officially started and I could not be more pleased, except when I start to think about how much money this is costing.  Let me just forewarn you, house building is not cheap.

"So let's start at the very beginning-- a very good place to start," to quote the Sound of Music.  Monday the framers came and put in a floor system.  I didn't feel it necessary to capture that on film...  Our framer's name is Sam Well.  He is a hard worker, very talented-- as is his crew-- and a snappy dresser!  On Tuesday they started framing...

Tuesday they started putting up the exterior walls and started working on putting in the interior walls.  On Tuesday I panicked because the master suite looked too small.

My brother-in-law walking away from the master suite.

Looking in on the foyer and dinning room.

Wednesday and Friday things started taking shape.  The framers continued to frame the inside of the first floor and continued to work on the outside.  Thursday it rained and so very little was done on Thursday.

The back of the house.

The side of the garage.

Under the balcony in the living room, as shot through the wall of the dinning room.

This was taken Friday afternoon... our house building project is drawing quite the crowd.  My future brother-in-law, my cousin-in-law, my father-in-law and my daddy are standing in the future living room.

The beginnings of an upstairs.

By Wednesday, once the particle board was up I stopped worrying that the master bedroom was too small.  Granted, it will not be huge, but it will be plenty big.  I'm excited about all the new things that keep happening... but things are moving so fast that it is hard to keep up.  I was told that by next Friday the shingles could be up... Today I went to the paint store and picked up some paint chips.  We also went to the fabric store and looked at samples.  We've picked out kitchen appliances, that I will soon blog about as well.

Remember... it's time to Spring Forward!  Have a good rest of the weekend everyone.

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