Wednesday, March 2, 2011

All I Can Say is Yuck...

I've been thumbing through the new J. Crew catalog while I type this entry and I just got to the section with swimsuits and all I can say is yuck.

I realize that summer is just a season and a piece away, but I don't feel like wearing a swimsuit anytime soon.  Did I mention that while I thumb through the J. Crew and work on this entry I've been eating Pringles Potato Chips like a woman on the edge?  Lord help me if I had some Girl Scout Cookies!

I swear that Pringles puts crack in those things.  I can eat a whole tube in a sitting, easy!  I literally have to make myself stay away from them and even then, its not a guarantee.  Even the Hubster is obsessed with them.  I think he might be tracking how fast they disappear, which is sad really.

I know, soon enough I will need to start gearing up for the beach and the pool and all that good stuff... but at the moment I'm feeling skinny-fat...  I'm afraid I'm getting a potbelly full of Pringles and that is just down right embarrassing.

I have a coworker who gets up every morning and goes to the gym near our work.  I'd do it too, but that would mean getting up three times as early and having to shower in a gym-- which isn't going to happen on either part.  Neither one of those scenarios is motivating me to get into shape, this coming from a person that snoozes the alarm for 45 minutes each day.

No, what will happen is I'll start coming home a little earlier and do my Hip-Hop Abs or walk... and then, just maybe then I'll be able to feel less freaked out by all the bathing suit ads that keep coming to my door.  OR I could just give up carbs or gluten... but gluten makes the world go around and our digestive track slow down....

Either way-- I know my couch potato Pringles days are numbered... thanks J. Crew

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