Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Snowed-In Snow Den...

The view from my home office slash guest bedroom is rather wintery looking... Isn't it?  For the second time in a few weeks it has snowed once again-- which is rare in this part of the world. 

Actually it snowed a little bit and then came the freezing rain, which just cripples everyone and everything.  Channel 5 news spent the entire morning showing clips of 18 wheelers jack-knifing on overpasses.

Yesterday the school children had a two hour school day... and since 1:30pm yesterday afternoon I've not set foot outside.

I'm not big on being cold... or wet... and especially not cold and wet at the same time.  But I'm being as productive as one can be in this sort of situation or as Steven Cobert so rightly said, "the weather of Northern Aggression."

So far I've ordered underwear to clear out the credit my Victoria Secrets credit card had on it from before Christmas.  I've done a load of laundry and I'm seriously thinking of starting another load.  I made coffee and at this very moment I'm soaking dishes from the night before.  The Red Baron Mini Pizza I've made myself for lunch is cooling on the stove and after I eat that pizza, I'm going to start working on ideas for my sisters wedding.

I've also did some actual work-work.  Just moments ago I started to try to reschedule a meeting that was cancelled yesterday due to our two hour school day... and I copied my principal in on the emails so he'd know just how dedicated I am to my craft.

Who says you can't brown-nose from your snowed-in, snow-den? 

My sister's birthday is rapidly approaching so I'm even looking on-line for possible gift ideas as well.  I'm so content right now sitting in my pj's doing exactly what I want to do.

Let's hope this afternoon is just as productive.

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