Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy (Belated) New Year...

Christmas came and went in a hurry.  It always does.  It seems like just yesterday that we were standing stunned in our front hallway staring at the tree that had just fell (see previous post).  Since that fateful day I've hosted two holiday parties and participated in seven holiday celebrations.  With the New Year already in full gear, I have a feeling that I'll be talking about Christmas coming pretty soon in no time.

Times really does fly by.  These days I'm all business.  Between work, wedding planning, and house planning I barely have time to think, let alone find the time to write a meaningful blog entry.

I had several interesting ones prepared but I've since lost interest.  It snowed here, which is unusual and I had thought about writing about my new found appreciation for the snow...  and I thought about venting about how my sister's intended is constantly changing his mind about wedding colors and how it is driving me crazy-- but I thought better of it.  I even was going to share with you some pictures from the Christmas shower I threw for my sister, but I don't have access to the pictures just yet.  I intend to show them to you, once I get them downloaded off my parents' computer.

For now I'll think I'll wish you a Happy (belated) New Year!  I hope your's is off to a great start.  By accident I've made a resolution to eat less junk.  Just before the New Year I found myself suffering from a bad case of heartburn which was brought on by eating way too much junk and drinking way too much wine.  Word of advice-- never buy oversized wine glasses-- I ended up drinking almost a whole bottle of wine by myself and I only had two glasses!

I'm doing okay with my resolution-- partly because we've been eating earlier and I've not had much time to snack between getting off work and eating my evening meal.  Hopefully I'll feel better in the future.

Again, I hope you are having a nice New Year.  Good luck with your resolutions.  And hopefully I'll be adding those pictures soon.

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