Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Vacation Planning...

The Hubster and I have not been on an honest-to-goodness-just-me-and-him-vacation since we got married.  For the last 3 years we've talked about going somewhere... for our anniversary or just to get away but when the time is good for me, it's plain awful for him and vise versa. 

So after years of talking I finally made up my mind that a vacation was going to happen-- come hell or high water.  We've decided on Charleston, South Carolina-- actually, I made up our minds for us.  And now I'm trying to decide on hotels.  I want to stay downtown.  I don't want to have to find a parking spot each and every day... I just want to wake up and start walking around town. 

This trip is all about architecture.  With the dream house looming... I really should think of a less depressing word than "looming" but at this point I'm all out of bright and happy words... I need to have my ideas in mind and documented in pictures.  I keep hearing that once we get started contractors do not like to wait on the wife to make up her mind.  They like to keep moving.

So why not take the end of October, over my birthday, and take in the sites, eat some great food and relax a bit? 

I've got my mind set on three hotels.  We are staying three nights-- maybe I should book a room at each for each night?  But seriously, I'm freaking out about hidden costs.  The most expensive hotel, that is right downtown seems to be the best bet, because parking seems to be included in the cost.  The other hotel that I like that is just a little bit cheaper charges for parking.  The third hotel is sort of in the same boat with the paying for parking thing...

I just wish someone would make up their mind for me.  It would be so less stressful... I think I know why the Hubster and I haven't been on a "just us" vacation in three years!

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