Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I'm Thinking I Might Need Professional Help...

I've still not made up my mind about the Charleston trip.  I have narrowed my hotel list down to two, but I just can't seem to commit.  Funny, before I got married I was the most decisive person I knew... and now, after going through the hell that is wedding planning, I've totally lost my ability to make decisions.  What's wrong with me?

On the home front, the Hubster and I are trying to move forward with house building.  We met with our contractor and now we are working on loan information.  I have a feeling that it is going to take several months before we can decide, happily, on the bank we want to commit to as well.  Again, I ask, what is wrong with us?  Am I rubbing off on the Hubster or is he rubbing off on me?

Anyway... last week was a pretty crazy couple of days.  I found out that I have peri-oral dermatitis around my mouth/lips and that's why I've been walking around looking like I drank a gallon of red colored Cool-Aid.  Apparently this condition is common in women... and apparently it takes a while to clear up.  I have a topical cream to rub on my mouth twice a day...

My doctor also could not tell me why two of my finger nails were turning orange.  She did a blood panel and it showed nothing.  I started noticing the orange tint when I started taking a super-dose of vitamins.  She told me to lay off them and see what happens.

Weird, huh?

Anyway... its raining--- finally raining and apparently it's going to get pretty bad because they've delayed school in the morning.

So there are my random thoughts and observations for the week.  Have a good one y'all.

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