Thursday, September 16, 2010

Obscure Objects...

I just love it when the Hubster comes home, unresponsive and looking for some obscure object that he may or may not have brought home several days, months and/or years ago and then appears mad with me because he suspects that I may have moved said obscure object-- or worse, thrown it away!

The Hubster brings home lots of objects.  I have a green vase/bowl full of receipts, change, nails, nuts and bolts, match books, lighters, business cards, small wrenches, flashlights, batteries-- you name it, I've got it and I got it because it came home in Hubster's pockets.

Just now the Hubster burst through the door and immediately started tearing through one of the basket that I keep his "junk" in and when I asked him-- "what are you doing home so early?" I get a sarcastic reply and a series of grunts.

I helped him look, of course-- this time for (I think) the attachment to an air hose.  I'm almost positive that I've not ran across anything similar since we blew up the starter pool back in June.  And since that time the air tank is back at his parent's house and/or possibly the farm.  So I decided to let him alone to figure this one out on his own.

I'm not sure if he found it or not.

I wish I lived in a house where everything thing-- including obscure objects-- had a place.  I wish I was one of those wives that could automatically produce whatever it was that her husband or family was looking. Obviously I'm not that sort of person.  As I write I have stacks of mail over-flowing my kitchen table... on this very computer desk are several documents that need to be either A) thrown away or B) filed away, neatly.

Obviously I'm not that sort of person-- I'm the sort of person that let's her husband keep a green vase/bowl full of obscure objects and when that vase/bowl fills up I get him another basket to fill.

Can you say Hoarder?  How 'bout enabler?

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