Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Global Warming?...

I hate cold weather... almost as much as I hate hot, humid weather.  To combat the winter chill that I so very much hate, I decided that I'm going to move to Florida.  I'm not sure how this "plan" is going to work out and all, seeing how the Hubster is a farmer and his farm is here.  And last I heard, it was almost near impossible to move land... at least in one piece.

But I don't have to worry about that now-- the move is off.  I've understood that Florida is cold too!  This morning, while putting on my tights and socks (to wear under my long pants) I overheard the CBS news man talking about how the orange crop is in danger because it is 28 degrees and dropping in Florida.

28 degrees...


Poor little Oranges.

Poor little Emily... to think, a few weeks ago I was all freaked out about the Polar Ice Caps melting by the year 2016...

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