Monday, January 25, 2010

Mystery Illness...

I've been painfully sick for the last week. What started off as a minor sore throat and a low grade fever a week ago promptly turned into the worst lung pain I've ever felt in my life, last Tuesday morning. Don't ask how the two are related, because modern medicine couldn't even field that one.

Sure the doctor was nice and overly concerned. I would be too if the patient came in with a high fever, pale as a ghost and complaining of a horrible pain in her right lung that only got worse if she moved or breathed or tried to maintain any life function at all.

With the chest X-ray appearing to be clear, I was treated for a "chronic" sinus infection-- that I didn't know I had.  The next day I got a call saying I could have pneumonia, but the doctor, "really didn't think that was it." 

Comforting, huh?

Yet today I feel much, much better.  I went to work in the outfit I had laid out to wear last week before the terrible mystery illness-- the new little dress I got from the Banana Republic Outlet a few weeks ago.  And even though I was very sleepy this morning it felt good to get up and fix hair and put on make-up-- even if the wind was blowing to high heaven and it was pouring rain.  Anything is better than being held up on the couch.

Honestly, it is sort of nice to come back to work after being out for so long.  My co-workers, most of them, were concerned about my illness and were glad to have me back (at least they said so).  I've found working in a school, filled mostly with women, that women love nothing better than to commiserate with other women about the various diseases and illnesses they have contracted throughout their lifetime.  I'm sure tomorrow won't be as fun.

I've decided that my next step in maintaining my health is to bite the bullet and go get an H1N1 shot-- just in case.  A few weeks ago, when the school system offered the shots, I laughed them off-- who needs a stupid shotA few days at home would be a nice welcomed break  I full-heartedly told a co-worker. 

Stupid shot indeed. 

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