Friday, November 27, 2009

Ooh-La-La: Shower Pictures Continued

So I promised I'd post more from the Lingerie Shower I threw for my friend, Cherish a few Saturday nights ago.


The Drink Station... the Champagne Punch was a huge hit

The Dessert Station--
(Don't worry... the table is not about to fall over-- it is just the angel in which the picture was taken.)

My sister-- Jenny, Nicky-- my brother-in-law's girlfriend, and myself

Jenny's gift for Cherish-- her boyfriend and his brother picked it out!

The Mother-in-law's gift

Jenny and the Maid-of-Honor-- Candice

The most revealing outfit of the night!

My gift to the bride.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Whooped So Hard, Her Head Fell Off...

Turns out all that hack-hack-hacking was something more than "just a bad cough."  It seems that I have contracted Whooping Cough.  Crazy, huh?

Evidently, as explained by my doctor, it is not so bad in adults, often looking like a bad cold or mild flu.  Three weeks ago when I went home sick and started living on the couch, popping fever reducers and coughing up my right lung, I probably had it then.  What remained was the constant and hacking cough.

The doctor happily put me on ethromycian and super heavy duty cough syrup.  Turns out that I'm allergic to ethromycian and I, sadly, started vomitting and breaking out in a rash about an hour and half into taking the pill.

So now I'm on a mondo dose of another class of drug that seems to be doing the trick.  The cough syrup is worth its weight in gold!

The good news I got more pictures from the party I threw last Saturday night.

The invite-- the favors

The back entryway to my home

Don't you just love my polka-dot lamp?

Undies garland

The Food Table-- I spray painted the twigs pink!

Cherish examining a slip-- it was so pretty!
 (Excuse my strange expression in the background)

I'll post more later.  The Hubster has been cooking me a lovely breakfast-for-supper meal and I must eat.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Hack-Hack-Hacking Away-- Still...

So the cough isn't much better.  I thought it was-- it's not.  I'm going to the doctor tomorrow.  I pulled up the WebMD symptom checker at work and I'm afraid I have some sort of horrible disease now... something that could kill me. 

This is great timing on my part... this weekend is my friend, Cherish's, long-awaited bachelorette (did I spell that correctly?) party/weekend at the beach.  Looks like if things don't improve, I'm going to be hanging out at the house this weekend.

On the otherhand, a nice restful weekend might be just what I need to get back up to par.  Last week was nothing but a stress-fest worrying over the million-and-one-details of the shower I threw for Cherish.  Not that I minded in the least-- but looking back it probably didn't help my cough or the pain in my chest.

Yes-- I said pain and chest in the same sentence.  The WebMD symptom checker and already warned me to go to the nearest medical facility--stat.  Well, it may not have said stat-- but it would have been cool if it did.

In other news (that happens to be wedding related) I am trying to find a pretty pair of gold shoes with a high heel for the upcoming wedding.  If anyone happens to know of something fabulous, I'd love to know about it.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Party Time...

So a little over a week ago I was stricken with what I thought was the dreaded Swine Flu.  After a good 48 hours of living on the couch I realized that it wasn't the flu but a really bad chest cold.  And so by Monday I was up and running again.  Yet I still have this horrible, naggin, annoying (just ask my husband) cough that I can't seem to shake and I'm pretty positive that I've popped a lung or something because it hurts to cough.

Yea-- and if I'm not feeling much better tomorrow I'm heading to the doctor's office.

But this past week has been nothing but a mad rush.  This past Saturday night I held a lingerie shower at my house for my friend that is getting married in little less than a month from now-- so all week long I was preparing for the big event. I don't have that many pictures-- my sister has them on her camera so she has got to make me copies-- but I will share what I have-- just to give you a taste of what went on.

For the favor I made lavendar bath salts-- put them in little jars and had hang tags printed.  I thought they were super cute-- but the Hubster kept talking about how they "stunk"-- but what does he know?

Over the mantel I hung up lacey undies in the colors of the shower.  This also upset the Hubster because he worried someone would come over before the shower and think this was normal.

This looks really scary doesn't it?  It was part of a centerpiece I made.  It wasn't scary in real life-- just the macro setting on the camera makes it look freaky!

On the back of my kitchen chairs I hung little boxwood wreaths-- aren't they cute?

Hopefully my sister will get me the "real" pictures soon so I can post them.
I think I should start a party planning service.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Doctors, Denim, and Deals...

Can you believe it’s already November? Pretty soon I'll be posting about the holiday rush or my knack for decorating Christmas Trees-- and between you and me, I totally rock at the 'more is more' style of decorating for Christmas.

But anyway. Monday was my first appointment with the new dermatologist at the swanky skin care center. I was very pleased with the facility and with the staff. The PA I saw was young and never once lectured me about my make-up wearing. After all, I'm 27 years old and if I want to wear make-up I will. But thankfully, she got down to business-- she listened to my story, examined my face, and she gave me her honest opinion. Surprisingly, she suggested that I try Accutane, sighting my mild to moderate acne should respond to that course of treatment over the topical treatments I've been trying. According to her, after a six month course I should be dealing with clear skin that is less oily-- which would be a welcome change from the ‘fried-chicken greasey’ skin I’ve been experiencing in the last few years!

In other news-- my birthday Joe's Jeans arrived today. I'm happy over all with them. I need to wash them so the dark dye doesn't bleed onto my furniture or other clothing. I can tell you-- for me, they ride a little higher than my 7's & Citizens ‘do, but I think the days of the super-low cut jeans are thankfully fading. I especially appreciate the quality of the denim—super, super soft—and I’m pleased with the shortened length. With a pair of 3 inch heels they are perfect for my 5 foot frame.

Moreover, today I managed to snag a J. Crew Lady Day Coat for less than $110 bucks! They are running an online special through today taking an extra 30% off (hurry). Smarty that I am—I saved up my last big J. Crew gift card from Christmas last year (thanks Mama & Daddy) and put it to the coat with the extra 30% off! And since it’s not final sale—if I end up hating it, which I doubt, I can always send it back.

I ordered it in the brown color as I have an array in several other colors.

Happy Hump Day!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Fall Y'all

So I had promised pictures of my Halloween/Fall outdoor decorations-- once I got everything like I liked it.  Well-- it took some time.  Actually, on Saturday I was still working hard to get things perfect for the 2 Tricker-Treaters that we had Halloween night.

Of course, "perfection" comes at a price-- I received 4 very painful fire ant bites on my left foot and toes.  I suppose flip-flops were not the best idea for planting flowers.  Oh, hind-sight!

Our front door.  Excuse the shadow... imagine it gone, if you will.

At the base of our ugly evergreen trees that flank our front steps. See below.

Right Side

Left Side

Right Side Again...

At our side entrance...
(The Mums are past their prime--- but I got them a good three weeks ago 4 for $10!)

Spooky... huh?

Happy Fall Y'all...