Wednesday, October 24, 2012

37 Weeks and Waiting...

So we are a go for a C-Section... in less than two weeks!  Today was our 37 week appointment and to be on the safe side, an ultrasound was scheduled to confirm if Little No Name is upside down like she is supposed to be or right side up like she wants to be. 

Low and behold, she is right side up... as she has been the whole time, as far as I can tell.  We were not able to get any really good shots of her face as her face is facing my spine.  But the utlrasound technician could tell that she has a head full of hair and she weighs about 5 pounds and 15 ounces, this weight does not exactly put her in the top weight percentiles, but seeing how I'm a smaller than average person and Husband is not a huge guy, the doctors' are not concerned.  The ultrasound tech felt for sure that by 39 weeks she'd be around 6 pounds or so... which has been my target goal.

Now we just have to ready ourself for her arrival... putting away the last few baby related items and packing our bags for the hospital stay and deciding on a name...

I'm feeling pretty good these days.  My weight, although much higher that I'm used to seeing on my scales, seems to be well controlled as is my blood pressure. I've, so far, experienced very little swelling and for the most part besides being tired, I'm feeling pretty good.

As we head into another weekend, I'm hoping to get much of my "to-do" list checked off.

Check out our maternity pictures at

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