Wednesday, October 24, 2012

37 Weeks and Waiting...

So we are a go for a C-Section... in less than two weeks!  Today was our 37 week appointment and to be on the safe side, an ultrasound was scheduled to confirm if Little No Name is upside down like she is supposed to be or right side up like she wants to be. 

Low and behold, she is right side up... as she has been the whole time, as far as I can tell.  We were not able to get any really good shots of her face as her face is facing my spine.  But the utlrasound technician could tell that she has a head full of hair and she weighs about 5 pounds and 15 ounces, this weight does not exactly put her in the top weight percentiles, but seeing how I'm a smaller than average person and Husband is not a huge guy, the doctors' are not concerned.  The ultrasound tech felt for sure that by 39 weeks she'd be around 6 pounds or so... which has been my target goal.

Now we just have to ready ourself for her arrival... putting away the last few baby related items and packing our bags for the hospital stay and deciding on a name...

I'm feeling pretty good these days.  My weight, although much higher that I'm used to seeing on my scales, seems to be well controlled as is my blood pressure. I've, so far, experienced very little swelling and for the most part besides being tired, I'm feeling pretty good.

As we head into another weekend, I'm hoping to get much of my "to-do" list checked off.

Check out our maternity pictures at

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Pottery Barn May Be My New Favorite Store...

I ordered a picture frame for the nursery from Pottery Barn.  A basic white frame with a white matte that would perfectly set off the pink graphic print I ordered from Etsy.

Today it arrived. 


The outside shipping box was fine, but the inside box that contained my picture frame looked as if something heavy got the upper left hand corner.  The thin cardboard box was ripped and the bubble wrap that was protecting the frame flattened.  The wooden frame was crushed...

Great.  I thought.  Now I'm going to have to return this frame and wait for a new one.  What a hassle.

So after eating my Bojangles and taking care of a few odds and ends, I pulled up the internet, just as the packing slip recommended and went to the Pottery Barn website to start the return process.

Just Great.  I thought as the little box I was supposed to check, never popped up.  So I called the 1-888 number for customer service.  Just Great!!!!

To my surprise I was promptly connected to a customer service representative.  She was kind, courteous and understanding.  I didn't even have to get ugly... I just gave her my order number and she took down my story recounting the damage.  And get this-- she just told me to discard the current frame, a new one would be sent to me in the next few days!

I don't even have to send it back to the company!  Can you believe it?

I'm in complete and utter shock!!!!  And that is why Pottery Barn may be my new favorite store.

Pottery Barn May Be My New Favorite Store...

I ordered a picture frame for the nursery from Pottery Barn.  A basic white frame with a white matte that would perfectly set off the pink graphic print I ordered from Etsy.

Today it arrived. 


The outside shipping box was fine, but the inside box that contained my picture frame looked as if something heavy got the upper left hand corner.  The thin cardboard box was ripped and the bubble wrap that was protecting the frame flattened.  The wooden frame was crushed...

Great.  I thought.  Now I'm going to have to return this frame and wait for a new one.  What a hassle.

So after eating my Bojangles and taking care of a few odds and ends, I pulled up the internet, just as the packing slip recommended and went to the Pottery Barn website to start the return process.

Just Great.  I thought as the little box I was supposed to check, never popped up.  So I called the 1-888 number for customer service.  Just Great!!!!

To my surprise I was promptly connected to a customer service representative.  She was kind, courteous and understanding.  I didn't even have to get ugly... I just gave her my order number and she took down my story recounting the damage.  And get this-- she just told me to discard the current frame, a new one would be sent to me in the next few days!

I don't even have to send it back to the company!  Can you believe it?

I'm in complete and utter shock!!!!  And that is why Pottery Barn may be my new favorite store.

Monday, October 15, 2012

36 Weeks and Counting...

This weeks marks our entry into the 36th week of pregnancy and with this milestone comes the realization that after this week our baby will be considered full term.  She can come anytime and that will be medically okay... crazy huh?

As we leave the 35th week, I am finding Husband in all out nesting mode and I am finding myself in some strange buying mood, purchasing all sorts of things for the nursery.  I guess we are readying ourselves in very different ways.  As I type there are woven, colorful storage baskets being shipped to the house along with baby clothes hangers, closet labels, a green and white curtain and a coral vase-- although the vase is going in the living room. 

There is also a picture frame coming for the Audrey Hepburn quote that I purchased off of Etsy... there may not be much hanging on the rest of our walls, but there will be things on our daughter's walls.

We still haven't picked a name... which I think is more alarming for our friends and family than it is for us.  In fact, in my passive aggressive way, the more others seem to worry about it, the less I tend to.  A name will be picked, but I doubt it will come to us before she does.

But all this baby preparation, specifically how much time and effort I have put into getting the nursery ready has got me thinking... why don't I spend as much time worrying about all the other rooms in our house?

To my surprise all the rooms in our house are officially filled with some sort of furniture.  By making the guest room the nursery and making the once empty spare room the new guest room, we officially have something in every room... but there is little as far as design goes. 

After the baby comes, I'm hoping that some of my attention will be back on getting our house as wonderful as I think it can be... although I know that that probably won't be as easy as it sounds.

So as Husband hangs lighting fixtures and builds high chairs and baby swings and adds more landscaping to the yard, and I burn a hole into my gold card... our baby is making herself ready.  As far as I can tell she is still breech... so how she gets here is a little questionable at the moment and what she will be called is a little questionable as well.  Regardless, I'm feeling pretty good... pretty calm... pretty relaxed... and I'm hoping that the next few weeks are more of the same.

Friday, October 5, 2012

I'd Tell You, But I Can't Remember...

Busy doesn't begin to describe it... and to top it all off, I can't remember anything.  Apparently "pregnancy brain" is a real phenomenon.  For instance, this week I decided to cook homemade chili.  So Wednesday night I put everything into the crock pot, browned hamburger meat and let it cool and then added it to the other ingredients. 

I put the pot insert into the refrigerator over night and Thursday morning I put the pot into the crock pot base, turned the dial to "low" and headed to work, not giving it another thought in the world.

I had my 34 week doctor's appointment Thursday afternoon.  I drove the new car.  Yes, after several weekends of nothing but car shopping, last Saturday we purchased a larger (see: 4 doors) car.  And while on the Beltline I noticed that the car was making a strange noisy, a noisy that miraculously disappeared (of course) once I got within a 10 mile radius of home.  So now I'm not so sure that I didn't imagine it...  as I drove it today and nothing, nada, zip as far as "the sound" goes.

Nevertheless, I walked into the house expecting to smell the wonderful sent of homemade chili, and instead I just smelled the house.  I thought that was odd.  I immediately walked over to the crock pot.  Had I forgotten to turn it on?  No.  The dial was turned to "low" just as I remembered.  Did I forget to put the pot into the base?  No.  The pot was firmly locked into the base. 

I had forgotten to plug it in...

This last appointment was an interesting one... 34 weeks pregnant and we've learned that the baby is breech.  This doesn't bother me.  But the doctor wanted to let me know that a C-section would be likely if the baby doesn't make a turn in the next couple of weeks. 

I didn't want to seem eager, but the idea of actually knowing when the baby was going to come, seemed attractive, even if the recovery is supposedly more difficult.  I told the doctor, just as I have told many others... as long as the baby can come out safely and we both live to tell about it, I'm fine with whatever.

After all, I'm just a school counselor.  Not a doctor.  To quote a favorite movie of mine, "I don't know nothing about birthing babies."

Oh, did I mention that we dropped out of birthing classes?  Yea... we did.  The third class got blown off for maternity pictures and the fourth class got ditched because Husband was barning tobacco and picking sweet potatoes and couldn't be ready to leave in time.  This last class, which I think was to be a like a "dry-run" of the birthing process (I realize that is probably not a great term to use to describe that particular class) got blown off for a bikini waxing appointment.  I forgot (imagine that) that I had booked the appointment for that particular afternoon and since Husband was still barning tobacco and picking sweet potatoes, I decided to keep the appointment and just pick up some food on the way home. 

We ate, I got a shower and I went to bed... at like 8:30pm.  I've never done that before.  I'm exhausted.

My best friend had a beautiful baby boy on her due date two weeks ago.  I'm pleased to report that she got through the labor and delivery with little to no problems.  It is reassuring that we too just might get through this...

This weekend is our first baby shower and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone and spending some time with family and friends.

I think that about catches everyone up... I'm going to have to start remembering to document more because at this rate, I may forget!