Wednesday, August 8, 2012

What Do You Really Want?: No to be asked what I really want...

Husband has a huge family.  His dad came from a large family and they are all still very close.  Over the years the family has gotten even bigger as, I'm convinced, they are the most fertile people to ever grace the face of this Earth.

At the last baby shower for Husband's cousin a little over a month ago, the family decided to buy one large present together, this way the the couple didn't get a bunch of things that they either A) already had and would have to return or B) didn't need and would have to return.  So they purchased a piece of furniture that the couple had registered for to put in the new baby's nursery.

Swell idea.  Thoughtful even.  But that is just how they are and that is one of the things I love about them the most... they are practical.

So today when my mother-in-law called me and wanted to know what we wanted them to get us for our baby, I was a little unprepared as to what to tell her.  It was 10am in the morning and perfectly cool in my house... yet I was just before dripping sweat at the idea of having to come up with something for them to purchase for us-- for our baby.

I swiftly directed her to our baby registries, excepting the because that would have required me verbally giving an internet link over the phone and I'm positive that they wouldn't have gone over well.  Tell me the last time you gave out a long link to someone over the phone with multiple back-slashes and dashes and it didn't confuse someone.  This way the Aunts and Uncles can figure out what big ticket item they'd like for us to have instead of me having to demand it.

Sure I love, love, love the woven storage baskets at Serena and Lily that match our baby bedding.  But they are almost $300 dollars and even though they may or may not want to spend that much, I would never ask for them to purchase them in a million years because it should be their choice, not mine... and for baskets, that is expensive... they are pretty, but they are expensive.  And being practical people, I doubt spending any kind of cash on that sort of item would not be a good thing in their mind or many others for that matter.

I'll be the first to admit, my communication skills are bad.  I'm one of thoes people that would rather give the gift than receive the gift, I'd rather not be the center of attention, and for the most part, I like to do things myself.  That being said, I think it is so touching when someone wants to do something nice for me or Husband or now, the baby.  It blows me away that people would even think to offer such and that kind of love and support means so much to me, it is hard to write down exactly how much it means.

Am I the only person that feels this way? 

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