Thursday, August 2, 2012

No News IS Good News...

My glucose test was on Monday... today is Thursday and my doctor's office never called with the results.  I took this as a good sign that nothing was wrong with me and I was, in fact, gestational diabetes free.  With the one hour test they had called in less than 24 hours.

I had thought about calling the doctor's office in the morning to see what was going on, but I decided just a few minutes ago that I would be brave and call and find out.  No more waiting!  Turns out no news is good news.  I passed the test.  Thank Goodness! 

All my blood draws were in range except one-- the third and final draw was a little high.  But one being a little high was perfectly acceptable as I only had to pass three of the four.  The nurse told me to just be cautious when it comes to my sugar consumption, but my doctor was not concerned and that was all I needed to hear.

I don't think my sugar consumption is out of control.  Although I do love sweet treats, I limit my intake and I have gone back to my habit of drinking unsweet tea (although I only drink one glass a day of anything caffenated if that).

So I finally have my answer and I'm relieved that I'm not going to have to prick my finger and keep glucose journals and risk having a more complicated pregnancy, labor and delivery.

Now I can stop obsessing over blood glucose levels and start focusing on why my swatches from Serena and Lily have yet to arrive...

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