Wednesday, August 22, 2012

28 Weeks: Sick, Sicker, Sickest...

The mouse massacre in my car's A/C was not the only surprise we came home to after spending a couple of days at the beach.  No, Husband brought home a cold and since Saturday week, we've been busy passing that sucker around the neighborhood.

Saturday, when I was discovering my latest kill, Husband was coming down with a sore throat.  By Monday he was in the throws of a full blown head and chest cold.  I did my best to stay away... but by Friday afternoon I, too, was starting to feel the beginnings of a sore throat.  Since Sunday I've been feeling a little lot less than human.

Apparently this is one of the most contagious colds known to man.  Since coming down with the cold, Husband has passed it to his brother and cousin.  I was his latest victim... however he believes that it is likely that I could have caught it from my sister, who also has had the cold and was sick enough that she was throwing up and missed two days of work.  She passed it to her husband and I believe that I have passed it to a co-worker.  If I had known I had the bug on Thursday, I would have not sat with her during our back-to-school meeting.

I think the orginal carrier monkey was the little boy who was at the beach... I don't remember him being sick, but I do recall some instances of a runny and snotty nose, a couple temper tantrums that could have been a tell-tale sign of a cold and a few unfortunate snot-rocketed sneezes--unfortunate because of one which sneeze landed on a certain cousin of mine.

Carrier monkey or not, there must be something going around.  At the doctor's office today for my 28 week check-up it was mentioned that several people have complained of a cold.  So my theory might be busted...

As for my 28 week check-up, besides not feeling 100%, things are looking good.  Little No Name had a really strong heartbeat-- like 160 beats per minute!  My belly is measuring right on track, which I think surprised my doctor because I've not gained a huge amount of weight and I'm a smaller than average sized human being.  That being said, 107.4 pounds (my current weight) is the most I have ever weighed in my entire life.

She had warned me that I might start measuring small, but because I'm petite in frame and height, that it was to be expected.  If I start to measure small, they may start doing more ultrasounds to verify that things are still progressing on track... which is absolutely fine with me!  The more ultrasounds, the better as this is one of those times where 'less' is not more... especially when you are a nervous, worry-wort of a first timer like me!

This appointment was my last 'once a month' appointment.  From now on I will start seeing the doctors about twice a month or every two weeks.  During my final month they will bump me up to once a week.  Even though it is a little scary to think that I'm in my third and final trimester, it makes me so happy to be seeing the doctor more often.  I even joked with the doctor today that I'd like to have a window installed in my belly so I can just look down and check to make sure Little No Name is doing okay.  I figure that they can do this to cows' stomachs up at State University to watch digestion, then why not a 28 week pregnant person who wants to watch development?

My next appointment will be an exciting one as we will get to do the 3D/4D ultrasound.  Our first birth class will also be this same week... yes, we bit the bullet and have decided to join up.  But that, my friends is a story for another day.

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