Thursday, March 29, 2012

Waiting Around...

Today was our second OB visit with the RE.  We are officially 7 weeks and 2 days pregnant today and overall things are going well.  As of the moment I'm carrying twins.  Twin A is doing great and has been since last week's appointment. 

At today's appointment we got to measure the heartbeat which is a strong 138 beats.  The baby grew from 3mm to 9mm and overall the Dr. Park was really pleased, as were we.  And then there is Twin B.  Last week Twin B had no heartbeat and it's development was visibly behind Twin A.  Today, Twin B has a faint flicker of a heartbeat and is measuring about a week behind Twin A.  The doctor is still not convinced that Twin B is going to hang around as it's yolk sack is really large, which isn't a good thing.

Apparently, more common that not, there is a syndrome called "Vanishing Twin" and apparently we may experience this phenomenon in the next couple of weeks. 

I know it sounds strange, but at the moment I'm feeling a little more than removed from the situation, considering that at this moment both Twin A and Twin B live inside me.  For some reason it feels like they live in that little TV screen at the doctor's office. 

We have officially been released to my regular OB-Gyn and we won't see them for another 2 or 3 weeks.  I can tell Husband is worried to wait that long, not really knowing what is going on with Twin B.  They warned us that we'd feel strange going from weekly visits with the RE to monthly visits with the OB.

I'm looking at it from the position that we could go to the doctor everyday for the next week and still not know anything.  Sometimes time is the only way to get the answers we seek.  Twin B is developing slowly and that makes me think that something could be seriously wrong with that embryo and if that is the case, this is truly out of my hands and for once in my life, I'm not worried.  Nature will take it's course.

However, I am anxious to see what is going to happen and when... I'm hoping that when our OB appointment rolls around later in April, we know a little bit more...

Until then, I'm going to work on decorating the house...  you know-- wallpaper, fabric for furniture, rugs, etc.

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