Wednesday, November 9, 2011

This kid...

Monday I took the day from work to meet with my regular RE.  The appointment was scheduled to last for less than 30 minutes, but I was sort of worried about how I'd react to the "whatever" he suggested we do next on this infertility journey we are currently on, so I took the entire day from work.  It was just bonus that I happen to be sick and could lay around the house for another day.

My doctor wants to keep things like they are for at least one more cycle and if this cycle doesn't work- then we go forward with IVF.  Seems fair, considering that all our tests are normal and everything is in working order.  The doctor actually said it looks like we've just had some bad luck.  Not to mention all the stress-- my sister's killer wedding, Husband's grandfather getting deathly sick, my grandmother getting sick and entering the assisted living facility, our jobs, building the dream house...

Regardless my husband knows how to make me laugh... on the way out of the RE's office, while driving to McDonald's for a late breakfast he looked at me and said, "this kid better cure cancer."  I cracked up picturing in my head the little oneise I'd have printed with that slogan on it. 

It was the perfect end to a not so horrible meeting with my super talented RE.

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