Sunday, November 27, 2011

Stationery card

Wishes Of Love Christmas Card
Shutterfly has classic, elegant Christmas invitations for your party.
View the entire collection of cards.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Here Comes the Holidays...

I'm so excited about the Holidays and with Thanksgiving being tomorrow(!) that means only one thing... The holidays are here!

I don't know when it happened, but suddenly Thanksgiving has became the gateway to the Christmas Season.  Black Friday gets more press than Thanksgiving... and at this rate, many of you are already preparing to cut short spending time with your family to start grabbing up gifts as deeply discounted prices.  After-Thanksgiving-Shopping has became as much a tradition as the Thanksgiving meal itself.

I'm not much of a shopper.  Don't get me wrong, I love shopping, but I'm not into big crowds or fighting for deals... I love to save money, but getting up at 12am to get a 42 inch flat screen TV for 200 bucks isn't high on my priority list.

The Husband and I have came up with some holiday traditions of our own over the 4 years that we've been married.  We don't have children yet, and once we do I'm sure that some of our traditions will change.  We may swap out watching National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation for something a little more kid friendly, although I'd really hate to see that change.  I can't say that once we do have children that I won't be tempted into getting up early on Black Friday to make sure that my special little one gets the new hot toy on Christmas morning.  But for now the Husband and I have our routines and tradition pretty well mapped out.

Tonight we are going to celebrate with my family.  My mom is cooking up a fabulous meal.  My sister and I have made desserts--- my famous cheesecake and her flour less chocolate cake that her husband loves.  I'm so looking forward to hanging out and relaxing with my family!  Tomorrow I'm sure we'll end up at lunch eating with the Husband's family.  His grandfather is very sick, still, so I'm not sure what the holidays are going to look like exactly.  We may be eating Turkey subs or something similar in the hospital, but at least we will be together.  Thanksgiving afternoon will be spent with my dad's people... my grandmother and aunts and uncles and crazy cousins.  It will be great and loud and chaotic!

But Thanksgiving night is always spent watching our favorite Christmas movies and cuddling up on the couch.  We drag out the Christmas decorations and start getting things ready.  Working for the school system gives me 3 days without work.  So when everyone else is out shopping I'm sitting at home decorating... making my home ready. 

This year is going to be different.  We are in the dream house now.  I'm sure that in years to come things will be much more complete, but this year we are going to enjoy what we have and make it work!  I'm excited for what is to come and I'm so thankful for every blessing that has been rained down into our lives! 

This year I don't want to get caught up in all the hoopla of the holidays.  I want to take time to appreciate those that matter and enjoy all the good things that this season brings.  I hope that you have someone special to spend the holidays with...  that you have friends and family to round up!  Thanksgiving only comes once a year, but we can be thankful every day...

Happy Thanksgiving Y'all!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

This kid...

Monday I took the day from work to meet with my regular RE.  The appointment was scheduled to last for less than 30 minutes, but I was sort of worried about how I'd react to the "whatever" he suggested we do next on this infertility journey we are currently on, so I took the entire day from work.  It was just bonus that I happen to be sick and could lay around the house for another day.

My doctor wants to keep things like they are for at least one more cycle and if this cycle doesn't work- then we go forward with IVF.  Seems fair, considering that all our tests are normal and everything is in working order.  The doctor actually said it looks like we've just had some bad luck.  Not to mention all the stress-- my sister's killer wedding, Husband's grandfather getting deathly sick, my grandmother getting sick and entering the assisted living facility, our jobs, building the dream house...

Regardless my husband knows how to make me laugh... on the way out of the RE's office, while driving to McDonald's for a late breakfast he looked at me and said, "this kid better cure cancer."  I cracked up picturing in my head the little oneise I'd have printed with that slogan on it. 

It was the perfect end to a not so horrible meeting with my super talented RE.

Monday, November 7, 2011


Friday morning a blinding light flooded into my bedroom.  I awoke.  Angry and confused I looked over at the Husband who had just flopped back into bed.  What is the bathroom light doing on?  His reply was that it was so dark he couldn't possibly make it the 10 feet or so from the bathroom to the bed without having some sort of light to guide the journey.  Are you going to leave it on?  He was was.  What did it matter anyway, it was only a "little light." 


As I got out of my perfectly warm bed to turn off the "little light" and walk, in the complete darkness, back to bed (safely I might add) I realized that I was getting sick.  I had all the symptoms-- the stuffy nose, the sore throat, the headache...


Long story short-- I have a cold.  Sunday was the worst.  My entire head hurt-- including the roots of my hair.

I've laid around for two days straight and I'm hoping the rest will have done me some good.  I go back to work tomorrow and I'd hate to be all snotty, spreading germs all over school.