Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I have not been back at work for even close to a week and I'm already taking a 1/2 sick day.  All last week I tried my darnedest to get an appointment for acupuncture... After a few weeks of research and reading one book that recommended it I worked up the nerve to call because I think that acupuncture just might be the ticket, especially since I'm anticipating a very stressful work year.

So I got an appointment for last week and then the very day that I was to go, the acupuncturist got sick and so I was put off until this week.  Story of my life.  Which means I had to take a half day so I could get in my first appointment.  Who knew making time for myself is causing me guilt and stress???

I leave for the appointment in less than an hour and so far I'm not nervous.  Just a few months ago the ideas of needles of any kind being jammed into my body sent shivers down my spine.  Now, after months of needle stabs, jabs, and pricks, I'm thinking this is going to be easy.

The first appointment is going to take over an hour... not sure why but I've already had to fill out virtually a novel of background information.

I'll keep you posted on how it goes...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A Long Justification for Purchasing a Dress for My Closet...

In an effort to be more fiscally responsible and to actually wear the clothing I already own, I announced to Husband this past weekend that I would be (gasp!) re-wearing a dress to the engagement party we have to attend this upcoming weekend.  I think I was high on the doughnuts (see previous post). 

I rarely ever wear one of my dresses more than once.  I blame it on proximity really... we socialize with the same people all the time, so once a dress is worn, it has basically been "seen" by everyone.  As I mature, I realize that not everyone is paying that close attention to me and what I'm wearing, so as I mature I'm realizing that re-wearing a party dress is not that big of a deal.  Even Princess Katherine is re-wearing outfits and she, according to Inside Edition, is the most photographed women in the world... and it reasons to stand because she was photographed outside of Englands' idea of a Wal-Mart with a cart full of groceries.  When's the last time an entertainment reporter for Inside Edition talked about your affinity for Frosted Flakes????

I'm sticking to my guns about re-wearing too.  I've already tried on the outfit of choice for this upcoming weekend and I feel confident that I can pull it off.  And to reward myself with re-wearing I've treated myself to a new dress.

I know, I know....  I know what you are thinking... but I have a wedding coming up that is out of town and from what I'm hearing is going to be super dressed-down.  No cocktail attire, no black tie optional... just a normal old fashioned wedding and unforunatley I really don't have many dressed-down-dressy-dresses.  The one I own will be worn this weekend to the Engagment party for this very October wedding that is coming up.  I think I found the winner at Anthropologie. It is a blue floral print silk slip dress and I think it is pretty awesome.

To make sure I can re-wear this dress I also purchased a waist hugging leather belt... I feel certain that I can belt this slip of a dress and throw a cardingan over the top to make it work appropriate.  The right heels and sparkly accessories will make it "going-out" ready as well.  Also I intend to wear this dress to my sister's rehersal and rehersal dinner.  See!  At least 3 different places to wear this 1 dress.

And for the record the outfit I'm wearing this weekend has been worn approximately 3 times, if I wear it this weekend, which I most certainly will!


Monday, August 1, 2011

Britt's Doughnuts: Happiness & Magic...

So you are looking at a picture of a slightly used doughnut and you're wondering, 'what's the big deal?  It's a doughnut... with two big bites taken out of it.  So what! I've had countless many doughnuts.' 

And you're right.  At this juncture in your life I bet you've had at least 400 or more doughnuts of various kinds, maybe more. 

I myself, living just a short twenty minute drive to a Krispy Kreme store, I know the restorative beauty of a warm-out-of-the-fryer glazed doughnut.  It is quite magical... but not quite.

I can say that because I know of a doughnut that is magical.  So magical in fact that the Husband and I took an impromptu weekend trip to get a couple dozen of these doughnuts.  Just a short 18 miles outside of Wilmington, North Carolina on the Carolina Beach boardwalk is a place called Britt's Doughnuts. 

As soon as you step out onto the Boardwalk, above the smell of the salt air is this sweet, almost addictive, smell of Britt's.  It is one of those smells that sort of takes you by surprise, mainly because even if you aren't hungry, as soon as that delightful smell floats over to your nose, you're hooked... you've just got to have one--or two or 12.

Saturday after lunch we headed down to the coast.  A short hour and 15 minutes later we were sitting at the bar of Britt's doughnuts literally and figuratively eating a tiny piece of heaven.  Steaming hot, but in a good way, the only kind of doughnut Britt's makes is glazed.  No creme-filled, no sprinkles, or chocolate covered confections... and after tasting just one, you'll forget all about all those other kinds of doughnuts.  The outside is crispy and sweet, irregular in a perfect kind of rustic-hand-made way, while the inside is tender and literally lighter than air.  And because these doughnuts are so delicate, eating like 6 in one sitting is totally easy to do.

But back to the magic... 

I'm fairly certain that these doughnuts could grow back a limb, never mind making you forget all about your troubles-- be it a horrific horror of a day or just the day-to-day stress of helping your sister plan an out-of-control wedding.  These doughnuts remind me of what Ben Franklin once said about beer... Britts doughnuts "are proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy."

If you happen to find yourself on I-40 headed East, just run it till it ends... When you've gone past Wilmington and Monkey Junction and as far as land allows you'll be in Carolina Beach.  Hit up the Boardwalk and just follow your nose.  Trust me, you'll be glad you did.