Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I have not been back at work for even close to a week and I'm already taking a 1/2 sick day.  All last week I tried my darnedest to get an appointment for acupuncture... After a few weeks of research and reading one book that recommended it I worked up the nerve to call because I think that acupuncture just might be the ticket, especially since I'm anticipating a very stressful work year.

So I got an appointment for last week and then the very day that I was to go, the acupuncturist got sick and so I was put off until this week.  Story of my life.  Which means I had to take a half day so I could get in my first appointment.  Who knew making time for myself is causing me guilt and stress???

I leave for the appointment in less than an hour and so far I'm not nervous.  Just a few months ago the ideas of needles of any kind being jammed into my body sent shivers down my spine.  Now, after months of needle stabs, jabs, and pricks, I'm thinking this is going to be easy.

The first appointment is going to take over an hour... not sure why but I've already had to fill out virtually a novel of background information.

I'll keep you posted on how it goes...

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