Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Losing My Mind...

For the last few weeks I've been teaching 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders relaxation techniques to help them do their best on the upcoming End-of-Year testing our State mandates.

I feel like such a fraud.  I'm anything but relaxed these days.

It all started around Easter.  Clay the Genius, our contractor, really recommended glazing our painted cabinets to compliment our cherry stained cabinets.  The Hubster was a little tentative on the whole idea, but I was all for it.  Glazing!  How complicated could it be?

So off we went to see the cabinet maker.  To put it mildly, he wasn't excited.  But since the customer is always right-- experts were called in.  And then experts' experts were called in. 

The final product was a new cabinet that had an antiqued appearance.  I loved it.  The cabinet maker tolerated it... the Hubster, hopefully is tolerating it.

But before all the toleration was a nervous breakdown.  I cried, I yelled, I pouted.  It was all very unbecoming of me.  Of course I did this, the bad behavior, in the privacy of my home.  The problem...  I've lost the ability to visualize and when I came to the new house and saw this...

I was less than excited.  This was not what I had asked for... and for whatever reason I couldn't get past it.  I couldn't picture the final product. 

But the following week this happened:

And I started to get better.  I started to calm down.  Things were looking up.  Today I went to my new house to check the progress and this is what I saw...

Needless to say that I'm more than pleased.  Now... I just have to pick knobs and handles!

Pray for me :)

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