Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Today, Last Week, and This Weekend...

My allergies are acting up... probably because I spent the majority of the weekend volunteering my time at the local Civil War battlefield's anniversary weekend, outside.  Our local chapter of the United Daughter's of the Confederacy is funding a rather expensive project for the site and we were begging cash from all the tourists that happened to stop by our table.

I'm a horrible salesperson. 

The weather has been very summery lately... which is a great thing because that means I can actually walk in the afternoons after work which I find to be a great stress reliever.  Seeing how we are in the building process and it is testing season at work, I can use all the stress busting I can get.  I love walking. The white legs and pollen on the other hand-- I could do without.

Today was a long one for me.  This morning I had a follow up visit with the RE... and then back at work I had to give a Quarterly Assessment to a group of rowdy 4th graders... one of which shoes' smelled like dead mice... We only tested from 9:15 until 1:20.  The RE visit was a little unnerving.  You will soon be looking at a 100 pound pin cushion... and I'm not really thrilled about it.  But the Hubster is.

As for the house building... things are rolling right along and I have pictures to prove it.

All the doors and windows are officially in.  The framers have basically finished and now the plumbers and electricians are moving in on their jobs.  Yesterday we got our soaking tub, upstairs shower/tub unit, and our back entry shower for the dirty man that lives with me.

Friday I had to pick out plumbing fixtures-- I was notified of this decision on Friday.  We also had to make the decision on whether or not we would have a central vac system as that has to be decided on early on.  My parents decided that they would do that for us.  And I'm very greatful.  I'm so lucky to have such caring and supportive parents.  They really go the extra mile, without ever being asked.  My sister and I are very fortunate girls.

And speaking of my sister this weekend is her first official Pre-Wedding Party.  Her Engagement Party is taking place this weekend at my Uncle and Aunt's house.  I'm so excited to see everyone-- espeically my friend Olivia and her super sweet hubby! 

Hopefully I'll be able to still a few more moments this week to continue the house updates!

Monday, March 14, 2011

All's Well Now that the End's Well...

So I made my second visit to the Reproductive Endocrinologist's office this past week.  My monthly, well-- sometimes monthly friend came to visit me and because of that little visit, I had to go get a baseline ultrasound to see if I had anything wrong with my lady parts.

Apparently, the end is alright.  Which was a relief, because I tend to think the worst in all situations and knowing my luck... I thought I'd be eat up with cysts or crud or at least a small collection of cancerous tumors.  But I wasn't and so I was thrilled.

So thrilled in fact that on the way home, well actually on the way back to work, I completely forgot about where I was at and got a little lost.  But in my defense, I was really relieved and I was listening to Bob and Showgram on G105, so it wasn't completely all my fault.  The one time I didn't bring the GPS.  But no worries, I found my way back to I-440 and got back on track in no time, after making a very panicky phone call to the Hubster.

It is a little scary to think about how easy it is to slip into auto-pilot mode when you are driving, isn't it?  I was talking to one of my friends yesterday about how weird it was when I first moved into the house the Hubster and I live in now.  Every so often, I would wind up back at my parents house and I'd have no idea how I got there.  Or like when I have a meeting in Smithfield and go there straight from home-- sometimes I'll just take the road to work instead of staying on 701.  Old habits die hard, don't they?

I have to go back to the RE again pretty soon... hopefully this next time I'll pay more attention to where I'm going.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Week, in a Nut Shell...

For those of you new to the blog, which would be most of you, the Hubster and I recently embarked on building our dream home.  After years and many months of talking and planning we have now officially started and I could not be more pleased, except when I start to think about how much money this is costing.  Let me just forewarn you, house building is not cheap.

"So let's start at the very beginning-- a very good place to start," to quote the Sound of Music.  Monday the framers came and put in a floor system.  I didn't feel it necessary to capture that on film...  Our framer's name is Sam Well.  He is a hard worker, very talented-- as is his crew-- and a snappy dresser!  On Tuesday they started framing...

Tuesday they started putting up the exterior walls and started working on putting in the interior walls.  On Tuesday I panicked because the master suite looked too small.

My brother-in-law walking away from the master suite.

Looking in on the foyer and dinning room.

Wednesday and Friday things started taking shape.  The framers continued to frame the inside of the first floor and continued to work on the outside.  Thursday it rained and so very little was done on Thursday.

The back of the house.

The side of the garage.

Under the balcony in the living room, as shot through the wall of the dinning room.

This was taken Friday afternoon... our house building project is drawing quite the crowd.  My future brother-in-law, my cousin-in-law, my father-in-law and my daddy are standing in the future living room.

The beginnings of an upstairs.

By Wednesday, once the particle board was up I stopped worrying that the master bedroom was too small.  Granted, it will not be huge, but it will be plenty big.  I'm excited about all the new things that keep happening... but things are moving so fast that it is hard to keep up.  I was told that by next Friday the shingles could be up... Today I went to the paint store and picked up some paint chips.  We also went to the fabric store and looked at samples.  We've picked out kitchen appliances, that I will soon blog about as well.

Remember... it's time to Spring Forward!  Have a good rest of the weekend everyone.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

All I Can Say is Yuck...

I've been thumbing through the new J. Crew catalog while I type this entry and I just got to the section with swimsuits and all I can say is yuck.

I realize that summer is just a season and a piece away, but I don't feel like wearing a swimsuit anytime soon.  Did I mention that while I thumb through the J. Crew and work on this entry I've been eating Pringles Potato Chips like a woman on the edge?  Lord help me if I had some Girl Scout Cookies!

I swear that Pringles puts crack in those things.  I can eat a whole tube in a sitting, easy!  I literally have to make myself stay away from them and even then, its not a guarantee.  Even the Hubster is obsessed with them.  I think he might be tracking how fast they disappear, which is sad really.

I know, soon enough I will need to start gearing up for the beach and the pool and all that good stuff... but at the moment I'm feeling skinny-fat...  I'm afraid I'm getting a potbelly full of Pringles and that is just down right embarrassing.

I have a coworker who gets up every morning and goes to the gym near our work.  I'd do it too, but that would mean getting up three times as early and having to shower in a gym-- which isn't going to happen on either part.  Neither one of those scenarios is motivating me to get into shape, this coming from a person that snoozes the alarm for 45 minutes each day.

No, what will happen is I'll start coming home a little earlier and do my Hip-Hop Abs or walk... and then, just maybe then I'll be able to feel less freaked out by all the bathing suit ads that keep coming to my door.  OR I could just give up carbs or gluten... but gluten makes the world go around and our digestive track slow down....

Either way-- I know my couch potato Pringles days are numbered... thanks J. Crew