Friday, August 20, 2010

Beach Vacation, Part II Putt-Putt Putting Around...

After leaving Myrtle Beach we made a little stop over at the old homestead.  The Hubster had some work to attend to and I wanted to get a handle on our dirty laundry.  So he went to work on Tuesday (last Tuesday) and I did laundry and re-packed.

Wednesday we left for Emerald Isle.  As mentioned in an earlier post, my uncle rented a huge house for us to stay in.  Huge really doesn't describe it.  Seven bedroom, ten bathrooms-- every shower except for two had five shower heads!  The views were breath-taking and almost all were oceanfront.  The bottom floor had a movie theater in it. An. Honest. To. Goodness. Movie. Theater.   It even had real theater seats-- except they were nice and clean! 

This house even had an elevator.  I refused to ride in it, but there was an honest to goodness elevator!

The pool and the hot tub were awesome.  Everything was just awesome.  It made coming home a little sad.  But I saw my Uncle and Aunt a few days ago and they are already planning a trip for next year!

Golfin' Dolphin

We got down to Emerald Isle just before it was time for supper.  Ribs and Chops were on the menu and they were fabulous.  I wish I had some right now.  After supper we, the cousin's, the cousin's boyfriends and husbands, and friends of cousins, decided to head out for a little putt-putt.  I dont' know what it is about being at the beach that makes people want to play putt-putt?  I wasn't really game, but I tagged along.

It took two large SUV's to get us to the Golfin' Dolphin. 

Putt-Putt makes my sister very happy.

Her happiness makes her pose by trees next to artificial blue water rivers with our cousin Audrey...

And the happiness makes her pose on-top of rocks.  Now that's a keeper!

My cousin Annah strikes a very interesting pose because Putt-Putt also makes her very happy.

Some people, like Marshall, take Putt-Putt very seriously and like to keep score.

And some people, like Christian and Ashton, like to comment on every one's game. Jessica is smiling, but she is dying inside...

Putt-Putt brings people together...

And drags them apart...

It makes my cousin Michael thoughtful by large waterfalls.

Putt-Putt makes some people contemplate the world around them while posing on artificial rocks...

But Putt-Putt can be dangerous and make you bleed.  Poor Brooks!

Putt-Putt can make people pretend to fall...

All-in-all, I think Putt-Putt is good for your self-esteem.  See how happy everyone is?

And eventually, it comes to an end.

Which is a good thing, because I'm pretty sure our party offended the family behind us with all our posing and camera flashing and potty mouths.

But end the end... it was worth it!

Next Post:  Fun at the Pool

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