Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Beach Vacation, Part I Sun Stroked...

I'm a little ticked... I carried my camera and every thing ready to pop a picture of something for my blog about the first part of my beach marathon vacation... however, that didn't happen.  Nothing note worthy really took place-- other than I almost died on the beach...

Before the end of the school year I made a vow that I would read Jane Austen.  I took American Lit in college and so Jane was lost to me. My high school, a large rural school, could have never put Emma on a reading list without the uproar of several hundred deer hunters.  So on Sunday, I'm on the beach with the Hubster, his middle brother, his middle brother's girlfriend, and the Hubster's mom and dad.  I'm reading Northanger Abbey and laying out in my new mismatched J.Crew two-piece.

I took extra care not to get burned-- I lubed up on SPF 30 with double protection from the Sun's UVB rays as well as the UVA rays.  I had on my Jarrett Bay sun visor and a huge pair of sunglasses... so what could go wrong?

Sunday was especially hot, but there was a breeze and I was pretty much okay.  The men were in the water, the ladies on the beach.  Between chapters we would talk about clothes, shopping, and what we wanted to do later that night.  After a short time, a few in our party decided to go hang out at the pool.  The Hubster was still in the ocean and I was fine reading, so I didn't go with the others.  Soon it was just me on the beach with my book while the Hubster floated in the green, green water.

Occassionally, I'd look out on him and make sure he was still there, floating just beyond where the waves break, with thoughts of Shark Week still fresh in my memory.  He really loves the ocean. I tolerate it.

Meanwhile, back on the beach I'm starting to get a little hot.  I'm starting to feel a little sick too.  But I shake it off.  Afterall, I didn't eat much of anything for breakfast and I certainly had had no liquid other than a sip of the Hubster's morning Mountain Dew and a sip of his Bud Light.  I chalked up my bad feeling to the aforementioned and that I had been reading-- which sometimes makes me a little dizzy, especially if I read in bright sunlight.

Eventually the Hubster got out of the water and made his way back to where I was set up.  He laid around while I complained a little about the heat.  I had made up my mind that I wanted to leave and I was going to leave... he came with me.

And that was when I thought I was going to die.  I started seeing black spots and my legs didn't want to work.  I could feel that sick feeling sort of spread from my stomach to the back of my throat.  I was hot and my heart was beating way too fast for the amount of exercise I was putting forth-- we were just walking up some stairs, hardly any cardio at all considering the slow rate we were moving.

I was conveniced that I was going to throw-up or faint... when we stopped at the outdoor shower to rinse off the sand I bent down to center myself.  The Hubster was embarrassed-- I could tell-- and little scared as to what to do with me if I did fall dead. 

After what seemed like a long time, we made it back to the house-- which really is a very short walk.  I got some water and ate a little something and things started to get better-- at least for me to stop shaking.  Later that night we had sometime to go around to all the Wings, Eagles, and Bargain Beach Marts to look at inappropriate tee-shirts and sharks' in a jar.

I'm not sure what exactly happened earlier that day... I'm not sure if I was starting to Sun Stroke or if I just got too hot, but all I know is that I was scared and I don't want to do that again.

Today we are to go to part two of vacation.  I plan to be more considerate of myself this time around.  I'm adding hydration to my check list along with my camera and my sunscreen.

Next week I'll be back at work... the last few days of summer... better enjoy them!

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