Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Wedding (Better Late Than Never) & Hair Helmets (Love that AquaNet)...

*please note I started this post over a week ago...

So the wedding was last night.  I ended up wearing a purple dress that I've had, in case you are wondering.  I was all geared up to wear the black dress, but with the air being so dry, try as I might I could not combate the static cling and the purple dress became the front runner.  I styled it up with a pair of lacey black tights and a pair of suede booties.

We decided to only attend the wedding ceremony as we had dinner to attend as well. So we got dressed and headed out the door about 40 minutes before the ceremony was to begin.  I was hoping to pull an "Aunt Kay."  My Aunt Kay is notroious for being late to weddings but ending up with great seats.  She'll breeze in at the last minute and get sat just behind the family.  I don't know how she does it, but we were willing to try.

So we get to the church around 5:30pm.  The ceremony was to start at 6:00pm.  As soon as we get to the front we are told that the church is full and to go to the fellowship hall.  I'm okay with that.  We got to watch the ceremony on a projector screen and the bonus was that we got to see everything from the preacher's perspective.  Instead of looking at the back of the couple, we actually got to see their faces... which was interesting.

When I got married I refused to have the "overflow" room, much to the dissmay of others.  I refused to invite a whole gaggle of people to a ceremony and not have a place for them.  When the Hubster's college roommate got married some years ago I remember being shocked to see people lining the walls of the church, just standing there!

I decided then and there, that I would have a small ceremony, just family and friends and a large reception.  So for my wedding, we invited about 180 people to the church, which is all my church would hold, but our families are large.  And about 400 (including the orginal 180) to the reception, which could easily hold everyone.  Yes, that meant two sets of invitations, but in my opinion, it was well worth it.

But back to last night's wedding.

It was interesting to get to see the expression of the groom, who was completely goofy with excitement.  It was heartbreakingly sweet to see the face of the father of the bride as he gave his little girl away and it was funny to see the bride's expression when the groom forgot to repeat after the pastor.

The bridal party was straight out of David's Bridal, which I have to score down.  But as the Hubster pointed out, the bride is not a fussy girl, but a practical one and she probably didn't need the pampering or the designer label to feel special.  And with that being said, the dress was absolutely perfect for the bride. 

Being a simple girl, the dress was bright white and head-to-toe lace and very beautiful.  The dress was straight with no train and strapless.  It looked good in a formal church setting but it would look just as good on the beach.  The bridesmaids wore an almost cream color that I was told was 'pale gold.'  Again, straight out of David's, but they do carry a very varied array of dresses at a reasonable price... not to mention, they are easily obtainable.

The dresses were straight with a slight empire waist, knee-length and strapless.  The material appeared to be some sort of silk satin.  At the waist were two rinestone covered buttons/buckles which gave the dress a faux-belt look.  Very tasteful dresses.  And the bride, being a non-bridezilla bride had allowed her bridesmaid's the luxury of picking her own shoes, as long as they were a gold metalic.  All but one got the memo.

The flowers were mostly pinks.  It was near Valentine's day and the colors did create one of those "timeless" appearances in that this could have easily been a summer wedding or a spring wedding.

I wish now we'd have ventured to the reception.

The only thing I could have done without had nothing to do with the wedding or the bridesmaid that wore black shoes-- but had more to do with one invited guest with the jacked up "big" hairdo.

Big really doesn't describe this poor girl's head and we live in the South were the motto is: the bigger the hair the closer to Jesus.  Her hair was shortish-- but she had it sprayed out at least 7 inches on each side of her head.  To quote Steel Magnolia's, it looked like it had been "teased into a brown football helmet."   If the helmet was for a giant head, that is.

I found out later that this was her "going out" hair.  In fact she dons this 'do quite often.  I was told later that this poor girl did the exact thing, but worse (can you imagine) at another friend's wedding which made that bride cry because she didn't know how to tell her friend that she couldn't be in any wedding pictures with that horrible jacked up hairdo.

I would have loved to have gone to the reception to see if the football helmet held up... I would have asked her what her hairspray was.... maybe not, but I would have tried to snag a picture at least.

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