Thursday, March 11, 2010

They are Getting a Plate--Like it or Lump it...

Last week the Hubster and I got an invite to a post-wedding reception for one of his many distant cousin's.  This distant cousin, who, by the by, I've never met in the 10+ years we've been together, has recently married a quiet girl from the lowcountry of South Carolina and to honor their marriage, his mother is throwing a party.  I've been told, about four times, that she is quiet which is why I included that specific adjective in the previous sentence, because, it must be of some importance.

Like I said earlier, I've never met the guy... or the girl.  I don't know much about them other than he is somehow related to the Hubster and apparently she could or could not suffer from some sort of social anxiety disorder. 

When we received the invitation I immediately scanned the bottom to see where they had registered.  Apparently they had registered at several places, most of which I was familiar with: Belks, Bed, Bath, and Beyond, etc.  But one place was rather new to me:

Over the weekend I tried out the site.  My dirty mind kept thinking it must be something to do with lingerie or sex toys... but then again, I had been told over and over, that she was a quiet girl and I seriously doubt a quiet girl would get the nerve to register for such... but you never know, do you?

Either way, I just had to check it out and what it is, is this:  A site where couples can register for things on their honeymoon.  This couple had registered for bottles of champagne, couple massages, cocktail inspired pedicures, and romantic dinners for two. 

When we got the invitation they were currently on their honeymoon and only one person had bought them a gift.

I probably will get them a plate from their pattern, because I'm a good Southern girl and that is what good Southern girl's do...and I'm not helping someone I've never met get his groove (yes, I said groove) on by buying him a couples massage session.  Heck no, they are getting a plate and they are going to like it... something they can cherish for a long, long time.

I'm not sayin', I'm just sayin' is all.

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