Saturday, March 6, 2010

We Saved Target...

Today started off as any other Saturday.  I woke up, when I wanted to.  I got up, cruised the internet for some deals, watched a little TV and then I got ready to for my weekly trek to Target with my mom and sister.  Getting ready consisted of putting my dirty hair up with the bobby pins I found on the floor of my bathroom, brushing my teeth, slapping on some makeup and putting on a crappy outfit and then dashing out the door.

As we were pulling up to the Target, we were on the road that runs beside the building and we noticed two dumpy white guys running out of the fire exist with merchandise and craming said merchandise into the back of their crappy SUV as fast as they could.  My sister was the first one to say something.  Something along the lines of, "I think those guys are robbing Target."  My mom, who secretly wants to be a private investigator, wheels the car around so we could get their tags as they drove away.

We got the plate number and went into the Target.  We spoke with a customer service rep who quickly put us in touch with a store manager who told us that they've been having the same trouble with these guys for a long time.  We gave her a quick description of the guys and their SUV along with the plate numbers and Target called the police.  I don't know if they caught the guys, but I do know that the information we gave them sure will help in finding them.

Today started off as just an ordinary Saturday-- who knew we'd get to help save Target.

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