Thursday, July 16, 2009

It Even Smells Like a New Car...

I have taken a big step as of late. For years (actually since Internet came to my home at the ripe old age of 14) I've had the same email address. Oh, back then (some 12 years ago) I gave my email address moniker (or handle for those of you still into CB radios) tons of thought. I wanted it to scream feminine and girly. I wanted it to reek of pink and polka dots and thus I ended up with a name that implied I was a sweetheart (which really is far from the truth).

All through high school I was known on America On Line as a sweetheart. Which was fine, because half of my high school also had sappy names as well. In college and graduate school, I just assumed that I would drop the sweetheart for something more enlightened, but it just never happened and before I knew it I was 26, gainfully employed, not to mention married, at the checkout counter at William-Sonoma whispering my embarrassing email address to a very patient sales associate while my sister stared on at me in disgust.

This week I decided to end the madness and put little sweetheart@sappy.sadsack.loser (by the way, not a real email address) to rest. In all actuality, my old email address had became sort of an email whore. She was hanging out with a real spammy crowd, never once automatically filtering them away, and even though I was keeping an open mind (after all, I did spend much more time on my work email account than I ever did with her) I had to draw line somewhere. After all, you can only receive so many offers for Erectile Dysfunction medication before you have to admit that your sweet little email address that once oozed pink hearts and purple rainbows has grown into something completely out of control, like Brittany Spears before the intervention.

So far I've been very pleased with my step into serious email accounts. Everything is nice and new-- crisp like a head of romaine lettuce. The transition has been pretty much seamless and I've even noticed the nicest hint of 'new car' smell.

This new transition has also given me the courage to try my hand at blogging. Not that I have followers, but if anyone does happen to fall into my little blog world, be patient. I'm not really computer savvy (although I somehow did work in a computer lab once) and this will be, like most things in my life, a work in progress.

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