Monday, July 27, 2009

Confessions of a Y&R addict...

Generally, during this time of day, I'm home from work and firmly planted on my couch watching the ending to my favorite soap, "The Young & the Restless" on CBS. But today it decided to rain (it seems to do that a lot lately), which causes the TV signal from space to be all messed up and digital scary, so instead of trying to figure out what's going on with Neil Winter's folks (will Lily live or die from cancer?) or if Catherine Chancellor's crowd ever decided what to do over the Cane situation (should Jill just adopt him as her son, even though he really isn't blood related and even though Phillip came back from the dead?), I decided to do a little writing.

I've been a loyal follower of the Y&R since I was four years old. My grandparents, who kept me during the day while my parents worked, watched the program and that started my exposure and led to my addiction.

I've grown up learning about the cut-throat cosmetic and fragrance industry thanks to the wheeling and dealings of Jabot Cosmetics and Newman Enterprises. Who knew a small town in Wisconsin could be such a hot bed for adultery, cooperate espionage, and the criminally insane? (Did y'all see Kevin hallucinate chipmunks and go on a shooting spree a few weeks ago?)

Now, I know that some of the story lines can get far-fetched and sometimes the writer's just recycle the stories over and over again but I'm addicted and I can't help but to watch.

I work with children, which means I have my summer's off. This summer I've been watching a little bit too much Y&R, it seems.

You see, one of the characters, Lily Winters-Ashbey, has just been diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer after thinking she was finally pregnant with her possibly soon-to-be-ex husband's baby (the soon-to-be ex is Cane, who pretended to be Jill's son so he could finally have the family he had always dreamt of as boy growing up in desolate Australia). Instead, she wasn't pregnant, it was just the tumor causing a false-positive on the pee stick. This is devastating because she is only 22 years old (although she should be more like 15 or 16 going by actual years since her TV birth) and she probably won't be able to have any children once they operate.

I realized a couple nights ago that I've been watching way too much Y&R when I was going to bed one night and silently prayed to God for Lily to be okay (like I actually knew her and she was my friend or something). As soon as I said it, I felt incredibly stupid. After all, Lily, regardless of how convincing the plot and story line and regardless of how well the actress plays the character, is not real!

How sad and pathetic of me, yet I'm not going to stop watching or anything.

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