Thursday, January 10, 2013

Two Months and Counting...

Tuesday was the 2 month check up for Baby.  Can you believe that we are already at two months?  Earlier in the week I sat her down for our monthly home photo shoot.  She hates it towards the end and basically just cries.  But this time I managed to get 105 shots as opposed to month 1 where I think I got 20 before she melted down.

But just to fill you in Baby Girl is growing like a weed, weighing in at a healthy 9 pounds, 13 ounces.  I can't help but beam with pride that I've been able to provide the soul nutrition for that darling girl.  The doctor was pleased with her development and felt that everything was going on track... No, she isn't in the 99th percentile for height, weight, or head size.  But considering that I'm a smaller than average person and Husband isn't a giant, it is to be expected.  Regardless, she is doing great.

What wasn't great.  Shots.  And lots of them.  Baby Girl had to endure one oral vaccination which wasn't so bad... the rest were traditional old shots, which were just as violent as ever.  One in each leg.  DTAP and Prevnar.... hopefully keeping her safe from things like Polio and Whooping Cough.  I brought along Aunt Jenny to for moral support as Husband had a tobacco meeting to attend. 

As the mom of Baby Girl, I've been wittiness to her pain cry.  I know how horrible it sounds... how it makes your insides hurt because you know that she is hurting and you can't really do anything to make it better.  Her hunger cry, tired cry, and regular old-notice-me-cry are far less heartbreaking.  I'm not sure that Aunt Jenny was prepared... as soon as the nurse was through jabbing the needles into my poor baby's chubby little legs, Aunt Jenny sprung into action, scooping Baby Girl into her arms and methodically bouncing back and forth until she (Aunt Jenny) felt better.  Baby Girl was going to need more than just bouncing. 

Luckily I was meeting with the lactation consultant and we were going to feed and sometimes food is the only way to heal a hurt. 

At home, Baby Girl was in some serious pain...  crying anytime her legs were moved-- either by her or us.  She got to experience her first dose of baby Tylenol (which by the way did help her a little).  She slept from the time we got home except for diaper changes and feeds until the very next morning.  Sometime around 2:00am she began to feel better and we caught her smiling in her sleep. 

Relief... we survived the first big round of shots.  We go back for our 4 month check in March.  I think this time Husband is going to have to go with us... I know I don't want to go by myself!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Baby Nursery...

At one time I had planned to spotlight each room in my house as I decorated it.  But then the infertility thing happened and all my attention, free time and much of my disposable income was tied up in getting pregnant.   Decorating rooms in my newly built house just didn't seem so important anymore.  But last June, several months pregnant, we found out that we were having a little girl and suddenly I was consumed with planning the perfect nursery.  Finding out that we were having a little girl was thrilling and we were both very excited.  Just think about all the smocking and cute hair bows!  But then I got a little concerned that I might make her room too pink and green, that it would be overly estrogen filled and that would make poor Husband, literally, the odd man out.  So for much of the summer I spent my time obsessing about what kind of gender neutral shade of yellow and cream I should apply.  And this obsession sort of drove Husband crazy because he assured me that he wouldn't feel left out if I went with my instincts and made the room reflect that a little girl lived there.
And so I listened.
The lighting fixture was purchased at Pottery Barn Kids.  Husband installed it one afternoon with no trouble or assistance.  I had debated on whether or not to change out the fixture as the original light was in good condition... since it was less than a year old.  I'm glad that I did it as I think it adds a lot to the room.
I was super excited to find a crib that is considered "low-profile" since neither Husband or myself is very tall. I loved the simple lines of the crib and seeing how this would be a piece of furniture that most likely would be used again I didn't want to go overly ornate or frilly since we could have a son at some point. The bedding was one of two choices from Serena and Lily... Husband made the final decision and I loved the French and Indian motifs.  Finding the bedding helped me make fabric decisions.
The Indian inspired storage baskets, although rather expensive, have became a favorite of mine for their practicality.  The pink textured curtain panels were made by my grandmother.  I think they add a lot of drama to the room.  The shelving unit was a bargain buy from Target.  It is one of those build-it-yourself jobs and for what it costs, if it gets destroyed in a couple of years-- oh well.  It serves the purpose.  At some point I hope to line the back of the unit with fabric left over from my rocker.
Since the room already had a built in desk I decided to use this space as a changing station.  It will be several years before the baby can sit at a desk and do homework, so in the time being, I purchased a curtain from Land of Nod and had my mother hem it to the right length.  A tension rod hold it in place.  Behind the curtain is room for me to store baby items like diaper boxes and other items that I may not want to display.  The built-in cabinets store wipes and diapers from our showers and also can be a place to keep burp cloths, bibs, baby towels and all sort of baby goodness.
The teal blue chest adds a little pop of color and from the moment I saw this chest in a little store outside of Dunn, I knew I had to have it.  The blue doesn't show up in any of my fabrics, but it goes and I find the color very pleasing.  It serves as another great storage place, currently holding extra crib sheets, blankets, baby shoes and accessories.  The glider rocker was a gift from my Aunt Janet.  It came from Target and originally the cushions were an off-white microfiber.  I had a local upholster recover the cushions in a pink and white heavy weight fabric.  I think recovering the glider cushions gives the chair a custom look and really adds to the room.

Currently the baby sleeps in her bassinet and has yet to spend more than a few hours in her room since birth.  I'm hoping that once she gets a little older that she will spend many happy nights and days in this room!

Crib:  Pottery Barn Kids, Kendall Low-Profile Crib
Bedding, Storage Baskets, Changing Pad & Cover: Serena & Lily, Lola Bedding Collection, Basic Punch Cover
Glider & Ottoman:  Target
Lighting Fixture: Pottery Barn Kids, Olivia Mini- Chandelier
Shelving Unit:  Target
Window Panels:  my Grandma
Curtain Rods:  Lowes
Chest:  Vibra's (Dunn, NC)
Fabric (excepting changing station):  The Cloth Barn (Goldsboro, NC)

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Holiday Wrap-Up...

Did you survive the holidays?  I'm pleased to say that Husband, Baby and myself did, indeed, survive and to some degree actually thrived.  
Merry! Merry!  Christmas Morning with Santa's toys

Yes, it was hard to drag ourselves to all the different holiday functions, but spending time with loved ones is never a bad time... trying to figure out the baby logistics on the other hand can be a bit frustrating.

Christmas morning was spent in our home.  This year we had breakfast at our house.  My parents came with my father's prized electric griddle and between us four, we prepared breakfast, learned to use a camcorder and entertained the baby.  Husband's parents and brother came to eat along with Husband's uncle and three of his boys.  I think it is the beginning of a nice family tradition.


New Year's was less of a festive celebration.  For the first time since I was little, I slept through the new year... I remember poor Husband waking me up as the ball was about to drop.  I quickly shut my eyes and went back to sleep.  Quite the role reversal as I'm the one normally waking him up.

These days I have no trouble sleeping.  Used to, if I stayed at home all day-- just hanging out at the house I'd have trouble sleeping at night because I just hadn't done enough or I slept too late.  Now as soon as Little One goes down, I curl up on the couch and that's all she wrote folks.  I'm down for the count. 

Little One is sleeping through the night and has been since she was 5 weeks old... I on the other hand am not as I get up sometime between 3 and 4 to pump... which can take sometime and then I sometimes find it hard to go back to sleep.  I'm punishing myself just so I can stock-pile milk, but it gives me some piece of mind knowing that in a few days I'll be back at work.

That's the big question now... "when do you go back to work?" or "are you going back to work?" and when I reply that I soon go back to work I get the look of pity.  Apparently it is  going to be tough... and I can honestly say I will miss being at home with my baby, but a large part of me needs to be at work.  Monetary benefits aside, I need to have something to distract me and put a little more structure in my day.  Will I be sad to leave my sweet girl?  Yes.  But the reality of it all is that work is something I have to do-- for me and for her.  Her practical daddy doesn't understand the need for pretty hair bows and shiny baby loafers... and if I work, those whimsical items will be her reality.

So that is how I'm rationalizing going back to work.  I work for her... so I can contribute and set a good example.  So we can continue to live in the lifestyle that I have became accustomed to and so she can get accustomed to too.

So to summerize...  We thrived this holiday season.  Started a new tradition.  We are loving experiencing things through the Baby's eyes.  The baby is sleeping through the night and if I wasn't a masochist, I'd be sleeping too.  Work is looming, sooner than later but if we want pretty bows and fancy shoes, Momma's got to work!

I hope your Holiday was good too!