Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Pregnancy Complaint, Number 556...

So lately I've had very little complaints about being in this "delicate" condition.  As soon as the-never-ending-morning-sickness abated, life has been pretty good and the complaining-- much to the Husband's pleasure and probably everyone elses'--stopped.

But just tonight as I walked into my freshly cleaned kitchen to get a glass of lemonade because I can't get enough lemonade these days, I realized that I'm tried of my super-human sense of smell.  Word on the street... pregnancy makes your ability to smell things like 100% stronger.  Let me just go on the record and say: I. AM. OVER. IT.

I have found that everything has a scent... everything!  And let me just say, very few things have a pleasing odor.  VERY. FEW. THINGS.

At this rate my year supply of trash bags is going to run out in the next few weeks as my new favorite request of Husband is, "Can you take the trash out?"

At this point offensive smells-- of any kind-- produce strange reactions in me that involve an almost "fight or flight" reaction.  Sometimes I get mad about the offensive odors and want to seriously injure the person or the thing responsible...most of these outbursts are aimed at close loved-ones, like poor Husband.  And then, sometimes I have the urge to run as far away from the odor as I possibly can... most of which are odors made from trashcans, nature, and strangers that wouldn't take kindly to my beating them with the heel of my hand or kicking them under the bed sheet while they laugh uncontrollably because farting in bed is supposedly funny.

So tonight, I did not attack the trashcan, but instead I quickly took myself to the safety of our living room and put in the 3rd request this week to the Husband to take out the trash.  He always takes it out too.

But what I don't understand, why would nature make it so pregnant people would get this added bonus of an increased sense of smell?  What purpose does it serve?  I don't see how being the first to realize that the person standing beside you in the checkout line neglected to bathe before anyone else is going to help create a strong and healthy baby. 

Let me just conclude by saying: the grocery store is a stinky, stinky place...

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