Monday, July 23, 2012

Dragons Hate Dogs, Just as Tigers Hate Cinnamon...

Let me start by saying, we're not Asian and neither one of us ascribe to the Chinese Zodiac... but lately I've been hearing about how great it is to be having a baby this particular Zodiac year.  For those of you not in Asia nor of the Asian persuasion, apparently having a baby during this year, the year of the Dragon, is a big deal.  Like a huge-run-out-and-get-pregnant-deal... that is, if you're Asian and/or ascribe the the beliefs of the Chinese Zodiac.

According to what little research I've done on the matter, having a Dragon baby means that the child will be successful, lucky, and an all-round winner!  People all over Asia having been rushing around trying to get pregnant so they too can have a lucky Dragon baby. 

Around the time that I was getting married, five years ago, I did some research on the Chinese Zodiac because I had heard getting married during the year of the Rooster was bad luck... so I did a quick check to make sure that we were, in fact, not getting married during an unlucky Rooster year.  We got married during the year of the Pig. 

By looking up this information, I learned that the Husband and I are both Dogs.  Being a Dog, I felt, was a good thing.  We are, according to the Internet, laid back, loyal, good tempered, smart... basically all the qualities you want in a good Lab.

So for about five years or so, I've not thought much about the specific Zodiac years.  After all, I knew about as much as I needed to know... the Husband and I were Dogs.  We married during a Pig year.  My parents are Monkeys and Roosters... I think my sister might be a Rat.  And our baby will be a lucky Dragon.

The bad news... Dragons hate Dogs, just as Tigers hate cinnamon.  I'm trying not to focus on this little tidbit of information.  I realize that just because it says that we are in for a rough ride, doesn't mean that it will happen. 

I fully expect for us to have our moments.  There will be days that she will hate us.  And for that matter, there will be days that I'm sure that we won't be so happy with her.  What I I'm sure about is that in the next few days I'll forget about all this non-sense.  In less than a month I'll be back at work and I can assure you the only dog I'll be worried about is Buddy...

And a lucky Dragon is a lucky Dragon even if it is raised by a pair of Dogs or a pair of Pigs or any of the other signs.... Right?

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