Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Just to Catch You Up...

My summer vacation has officially started now that the wedding is behind me.  Yes, I survived directing my friend's wedding and surprisingly, I'd be happy to do it again!  I had been really dreading the whole process, worried that I'd find a way to mess something up and ruin my friend's happy day. 

I'm not going to say that it went off 100% perfect.  We all know that isn't possible.  The parents' were a little delayed in getting seated because the flower girl pushed the emergency button in the elevator... the elevator that contained the bride and the mother of the groom.  When you push the emergency button it stops the elevator and immediately dials 911. 

Besides the mother's seating being delayed the bell ringer did not chime the hour and about that time, an usher tripped on something causing a loud noise.  Again... nothing is going to go 100% perfect and those were the only things that didn't go off perfectly. 

The bride was beautiful.  The groom was happy, laughing and smiling through most of the ceremony.  The reception was lovely... all in all, I'd call it a success!

And with the wedding officially behind me, I feel 100% much more relaxed. 

This week marks the 18th week of pregnancy.  For the most part I'm feeling really good.  For the last couple of weeks I've felt much more myself and my appetite is finally returning to what it was pre-pregnancy or in other words, I'm no longer considering getting a feeding tube.  Next week we go for another doctor's appointment and at this appointment we will get to see what we are having.

I'm getting excited about the confirmation... I'm convinced that we are having a boy.  Last week I started to online shop for cribs and bedding.  I found a website that will take custom orders and even though I'm convinced I'm having a boy, I'm having a hard time picking out boy fabrics... being a girl I think I'm having trouble taking my femininity out of the equation.

Ideally, I'd like to pick a crib and fabric that could be used for more than one child...  because I'm at the point now that I could fathom having more than one now that the sickness is fading.  But I realize that I may not be able to do just that (as in picking out a gender neutral fabric) and if so, that is fine because if I were a second child, I'd want my parents to pick out fabrics with me in mind and not my older sibling... regardless of how impractical that is.

My husband would point out that I feel this way because I'm a girl.  Boy's could care less and in his words, "are less complicated."

Either way, I don't think either one of us cares either way as long as it is healthy...

In the meantime, I'm starting to show a little more each day and so yesterday I ordered some maternity shorts...  I couldn't bring myself to purchase a pair when I went shopping a few weeks ago-- it was all just too traumatic.

But I think this latest burst of summer heat has made me realize that hot, binding jeans probably aren't the most practical summer attire.  My next concern-- blow up baby pool to lay out in-- I figure big tan belly's are better than big pale belly's any day.

Stay tuned for more!

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