Thursday, June 14, 2012

Director of the Wedding

Tomorrow starts a weekend that I've been looking forward to and dreading for a little over a year:  I'm directing a friend's wedding on Saturday!

It's not exactly how I imagined spending my own 5 year anniversary... but I've always wanted to direct a wedding and I'm not about to pass up the opportunity.  To be perfectly honest, I'm a little worried that things won't go perfectly. 

They probably won't.  I realize that nothing ever goes exactly as planned, no matter how well you plan... and plan I have.  I have time lines, VIP reserve seating tickets, and diagrams of how the uneven bridal party should enter and leave the church.  One of my co-workers reassured me a few weeks ago that if things do get messed up, no one will know.  And she is right.  But I'll know. 

I couldn't ask for a better bride to work with.  She is calm, cool and collected... or at least she appears to be that way.  For the last few weeks I've been trying to sit down with her to review the order of program, and she's been almost impossible to nail down... and I think mostly because she just is through caring.

I remember feeling that same way five short years ago.  For a year and half I planned and stressed... and worried.  And then by the time the actual wedding rolled around I was just through worrying and stressing.  It was going to happen, ready or not.  For sanity's sake, I think most brides' have to reach that mindset... or else.

However, I can't say every bride I've worked with has adopted that same disposition...  and let me tell you, it has ended our friendship. Honestly, I don't know how you stay friends with someone that has no sense of humor... or makes you wear bright red lipstick and black liquid liner against your own will.

Regardless, I'm ready for this experience to be behind me.  And soon it will be over.  I hope and pray that things go well, that the mistakes are few and far between and that the Bride, above all else, is happy.

Keep your fingers crossed for me!

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