Thursday, April 21, 2011

Refrigerator Wars...

The day before the Hubster's 29th birthday I had a diva moment.  Over the refrigerator.  Earlier in the evening we had rode over to the cabinet maker's shop to go over details of our cabinetry.  Our cabinet maker is pretty much an expert and very technical... so I have to pay a lot of attention to what he is saying to try to keep up with what he is suggesting.  A few years ago the Hubster decided that he wanted to learn how to make cabinets, so he spent a couple weeks learning how over at this shop.  My husband and the cabinet maker speak the same language... apparently.

So I'm listening to him explain how the mantle piece over the cook top will be however many inches wide and that because of the width that would mean that we wouldn't have enough space for the spice rack that we wanted and so on.  And then he mentioned that the refrigerator that we had bought was going to stick out about 5 or 6 inches from the cabinet.  And that is where I put everything on pause.

What?  The refrigerator was supposed to be counter-depth.  The Hubster looked confused.  I swear sometimes he blocks out time in his mind.  He didn't remember anything about a counter-depth refrigerator.  In fact he doesn't even remember talking about buying a refrigerator.  I assure you, the appliance man and I had a long conversation about the importance of a counter-depth refrigerator.

I immediately say, "well, it is still in the box.  It is going back!" and then the Hubster looks at me like I've lost my mind.  He says, "Who cares if it sticks out?"

I'll tell you who cares-- I do.  And for that matter, the cabinet maker did too...

I text the contractor as soon as we get home who immediatley calls me.  He says he'll get it fixed in the morning.  The Hubster went outside to smoke a cigeratte and talk to the dog, something he does a lot since we started building this house.

I'm not sure he still gets it.  He kept saying, "but a counter-depth one is much smaller than what we've got?  Don't you want more space?" 

In a perfect world, more space would be ideal.  But this is not a perfect world.  Kitchens do need to function, but they also need to look good.  I guess because I wear my 3 and 1/2+ heels every single day of my life, I learned that lesson long ago... function and style do not always speak the same language.  Sometimes you've got to give up on one for the other.... and style always-- always wins out.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Pin Cushion Crock-Pot...

Since I don't respond to any of the easy oral medication that would make me ovulate, the Hubster and I decided to be brave and just see if I would respond to the hard stuff.  The injections.  Little shots of hormone... hormone I would find out that is made from urine, something I don't like to think about much. 

So on day 14 or so of my cycle, after crying all the way home from Raleigh... I decided to be brave and let the Hubster inject me.  Was I upset about not responding???-- was the thought of having to have a shot. 

In all my panic... I forgot that part of his job is to give injections to baby pigs... so I was taken aback when he took the needle from my shaky hands a few days later and started to mix up the drug.  He had the whole process down pat.  I was the basket case. 

Generally he is the one that faints when he sees blood, especially human blood in large quantities.  He is after all, the man that cut his finger, passed out and hit his head on the edge of his mother's kitchen island because of all the blood coming from his hand and had to be rushed to the emergency room for stitches for not only his hand but also his head.  He is after all, the man that has to go outside and smoke a cigarette and lay down during his volunteer fire meetings when they show graphic training videos.

He just picked up that needle and headed straight for me.  Of course I got up and ran around in place.  Nervous.  I walked around the house taking deep breaths as the Hubster just sort of cocked his head to the side and stared at me like I was crazy. 

I got the courage to lay down on the couch.  Since the injection had to be in my stomach area anyway, that was probably the safest position.  I put on my sunglasses, don't ask why... thanked God I had a little bit of extra skin and fat to squeeze so maybe, just maybe the shot wouldn't hurt too bad.  And before I  knew it, I was stuck.  And it was over.  And I was fine. 

A few days and a few injections later I was to go back to the doctor to see if anything had changed.  Nope.  Nothing.  I started to worry that I was permanently broken.  But the nurse told me that this was normal.  Considering that I had lots of little follicles in my ovaries, they had to go low and slow with the drugs or else we could be looking at another Octomom.

Low and Slow?  Where I have I heard this before.  Oh yeah, a million times while watching the Food Network.  Apparently I'm a crock-pot.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I've been a little lost lately... lost in my own little world of work, house building, party planning, birthdays... the fertility doctor's office.  Just believe me when I say I've been too busy, too stressed out, and too uncomfortable to write anything about anything interesting that may or may not have been going on in my little life.

But I'm on Spring Break.  One of the many perks of working for the school system and now that I'm finally feeling rested, I can catch everyone up on whats been going on.

March 26th was my sister's engagement party/karaoke bash at our Uncle and Aunt's house.  My sister is in the middle, I'm in the blue one strap Tibi dress.  The other girls in the picture, going left to right:  our cousin Annah, our cousin Sarah, and our other cousin Audrey. 

Besides a few awkward moments with Sarah's soon-to-be ex-boyfriend... I think a good time was had by all.  I learned that my sister and her soon-to-be really love to sing... loudly, as does his brother and father.  Best of all about the party... my friend Olivia and her husband were able to attend the gathering, which was great because I never get to see her or him.

The end of March was a blur where the house was concerned.  Things really started hopping-- not that they haven't been hopping all along.  Soon after this party the siding and bricks went up... and the sheet rock... and then the flooring went in.

Not soon after the engagment party I was in Mosaic Tile picking out tile for the kitchen, back entry, laundry room, and baths agonizing over grout colors.  I never knew grout came in all those colors.  More and more I find myself overwhelmed with the decision making process.  I keep saying, much like I did when I was getting married, "if this was anybody else's house, I'd have no trouble picking out colors." 

Luckily my contractor has me working with the best in the business, so I feel like I'm getting expert advice when it comes to picking out things for the house.

The master bathroom tile

The master bathroom shower and tub

The kitchen, back-entry, laundry room, and powder room tile.

And the upstairs bathroom tile.

Yesterday I got my mom to ride with me to Apex to pick out granite.  Another hard decision, but again, my contractor has me in good hands.  This is what I've decided on...

Giallo Ornamental Premium Granite. 

The girl assures me that it is fabulous, true to the sample and has lots of movement.  I'm very excited about the granite.  In the last couple of weeks we've picked out applicances and decided on off-white and cherry stained cabinets for the kitchen.  I think this piece of Earth will look great with those colors.... hopefully.

The hardwood flooring is in the living room, dinning room and foyer.  We have to pick the stain color, but we get choices... so I'm feeling very relaxed about that decision. 

Today... in a half hour, I'm to meet with the contractor to talk closets.  Hopefully I can get what I want.  My contractor wasn't too excited about my decision to put some wallpaper in my foyer.

Generally, I hate wallpaper.  I remember being about 7 years old and my mother removing all the wallpaper in the whole house and cussing and fussing the entire time.  But I've decided that my dinning room will be metalic silver and my living room will be neutral.  Because metallic and neutral really don't live together in harmony, I found a wallpaper that will help make the transition and I'm really excited about it. 

My contractor on the other hand... is not.  He says that they never put wallpaper in a house under a million dollars and all his subs are outrageous in prices... but the Hubster assures me that he knows someone that can hang it-- practically free.  And so, I'm not loosing hope just yet.

I think that brings everyone up to speed where the house is concerned.  Hopefully I'll have more to write about soon.  And if you have paint color suggestions, I'm open to all comments.  I'm at a loss as to what to do... I'm going back to the paint store this afternoon to match colors to the wallpaper sample... so wish me luck.