Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Dress Should Not Wear Me...

So I've got a wedding to attend this weekend.  And even though I'm looking forward to the wedding, I'm not looking forward to figuring out what to wear.  Does that ever happen to you? 

The Hubster says I'm crazy, that I've got plenty to wear.  In fact, I've got a two whole closets full of clothes and shoes that would back up his claims that I'm crazy.  But I've already worn that stuff.  And the stuff I've not worn, I don't feel like wearing.

This past summer I had a clothing party at my house.  My cousin started an online boutique and she will come to your house and hold a party where you and your friends can shop and get dibbs on all her cool stuff before it hits the internet.  At this party I purchased three dresses:

A really pretty yellow sundress that I wore within a few weeks to Olivia's engagement party.  The other two I've not had an opportunity to wear. 

One is bright fushia and ruffly.  It's pretty but defiantly a summer dress, although with lacey black tights and trendy strappy booties it might be sort of nice.  The other is what my sister calls "The Jessica Rabbit" dress.  It's tight, fitted, and black.  Looking back on it, I bought it, not because I wanted it so very badly, but I did not want anyone else to have it either. Real mature, I know.  The "Jessica" is  very sexy dress that I'm dying to wear, but I'm just not sure that I can pull it off.  And I have a strick rule to never wear something that I'm not 100% sure about. 


Well, I firmly believe that I should wear the dress, the dress should not wear me.  So I'm online trying to find something that I think might be better than these two dresses.  And, what do you know, no luck. 

I'd be out at the mall this weekend, looking there, but it snowed last night and I'm not one to venture out in the snow.

So tonight, after we get back from our "Valentine's" supper (don't get too excited, its at a church-- with my parents) I think I'm going to have to try on the dresses and figure out what will work.



Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Sky Did Fall, But We All Survived...

That is, except for my compact ferns that I was wintering in the garage because a certain gentleman I live with forgot to close the garage doors. 

If I was a very thoughtful person I would have posted pictures of the wintery landscape, but that would have required me to go outside... so unfortunately, I only have my memories of the winter wonderland that was.

The good news-- the power never, not once, went out.  The freezing rain that was predicted never amounted to much.  However, it was enough to make the Hubster fall almost everytime he went outside, but not enough to down powerlines.

The bad news-- I've got to go to work on Saturday.  Yea-- school on Saturday... I guess it's better than taking our Spring Break, but really-- school on Saturday?

No Target for Emily.  At least my bank account will thank me.