Friday, July 19, 2013

Just to Catch You Up (Since I have to be Up with the Stinkin' Computer Anyway)...

I'm going to attempt to do a quick catch-up blog entry while I attempt to download three months' worth of baby pictures onto our Share site.  I should be sleeping.  I'm sleepy.

Regardless, since I'm completely alone... the baby has been asleep (in her room) for a couple of hours now and Husband finally stopped pretending to be watching TV (when he is obviously sleeping) and took his self to bed.  So.... that leaves little ole' me all alone.  I'm rarely alone these days-- that has been the biggest adjustment for me into parenthood-- the only time I'm really by myself is in the shower--if someone is home to keep an eye on the baby, otherwise she is hanging out in her bouncer seat on the bathroom floor while I try to hurry up and wash my hair.

Anyway... a lot has been going on lately. 

1.  We Christened the Little One the weekend before my last week of school back in June.  I felt like I sort of slapped the ceremony together, which was not my intent, but time just got away with me.  Looking back on it, we just have just done the ceremony during regular church services-- it would have been less of a pain in my side-- but we thought Husband's parents were going to be out of town that Sunday morning.  Miscommunication on my part, I guess.  In the end, it was a sweet ceremony and it turned out much smoother than I had imagined.

2.  The baby is in her room now!  Not long after I got out of school we had a little impromptu "pajama party" and the only person in our house that slept through the night was the baby.  She just wouldn't stay down in the pack-n-play sleeper and after the fourth time trying to get her to sleep, I just put her in the bed with us.  The next night she went in her crib, upstairs, in her beautiful nursery.  We watch her on the video monitor.  We have a movement monitor that we have yet to use-- I'm hoping this weekend we will be able to get the board installed.

3.  We don't Cry-it-Out in this family-- another blog entry for another time... when I'm not so sleepy maybe?

4.  I have a cardiologist now.  On Michael Jackson's death date, I had a SVT attack-- or in other words, my heart was beating 240 beats per minute and would not stop.  It had never happened before and I hope it never happens again but apparently I have an extra electrical pathway inside my heart that decided to work that day.  I got to ride in the rescue squad all the way to the ER and once at the ER I stayed there the entire day.  NOT FUN.

5.  My Granny died... I really don't have a lot to say about the subject for now.  But please know she had been sick for sometime.  She was 92 years old and had lived a purpose filled life, a life that touched a number of people in our little part of the world.  I am proud to be her granddaughter and I am thankful she got to meet my daughter.  We will tell Little One the stories of my Granny, of Pup-Pup, of homemade mini-ghosts and Tom n' Sally...

6.  I joined Pinterest and I can see how it can sort of ruin lives.  I have became one of those people that sometimes starts sentences "I saw this cool idea on Pinterest...." or "On Pinterest..." 

Finally, a little Little One Update:

Little One is officially 8 months old and she is doing great.  No teeth yet... but according to the chart I repined on Pinterest we are well within the time frame for teeth to be sprouting.  I'm preparing myself, since we are still breastfeeding and all. 

We have outgrown the Puj bathtub and now officially use "Howard the Duck" the inflatable yellow duck that fits into the bathtub.  She is fascinated with the drain.  Sophie La Giraffe (the bath time edition) is a great distraction and makes bath time so much easier.

As you already know we have our bedroom back!  I am so excited to be able to watch TV in bed again!

Little One is pulling up and trying to crawl.  She loves to stand and wants to take steps when you hold her hands.  I think crawling will happen, I'm holding out hope, but she doesn't seem to enjoy it... Being such a love-chunk of a baby, it is hard to figure out the baby belly with the chubby baby legs at the same time.  We will get there, I'm certain.

Recently I have put her in our kiddie pool in her big float and she loves it!  We can't wait for the beach in a few weeks!

So there... that sort of wraps things up pretty nicely for now.  It is late and the pictures I started uploading are loaded... ( I still have like 250 to go... but that will be tomorrow and the next day and so forth)

Be good y'all!