Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Yea... I know... But I've Got a Good Excuse...

Yea... it's been a while.  Currently, I'm on Spring Break and while in the past I have mocked the idea of elementary aged students needing a Spring Break, as a new mother I'm thankful for the days at home with the Little One and I will leave it alone.

The Little One, while still very much a little baby, is everyday getting bigger and bigger.  At our last doctors' appointment she weighed in at 13 pounds, 4 ounces.  It is truly amazing to look back at her first little pictures and see how much she has changed. 

She looks less like her daddy and more like herself... and let me tell you she has a huge personality.  The Little One pretty much is still calling the shots around here.  But we happily fall in line, how could we not?  You'd have a hard time saying no to her too... she's just too cute!

Unhappily, she has stopped sleeping through the night.  Around the time that I started back to work, she flipped the script and now wakes up sometime between 2 and 4 for about 20 minutes for a quick bite to eat.  In essence, it is not that big of a deal, as I was already getting up around that same time to pump.  Now I just feed her... unless I get behind on my milk and then I have feed and pump.  Oh well.

She is, however, going to bed a little earlier, which is nice.

My mother keeps her while I'm at work.  Mama tutors at the middle school and also works with student teachers which takes her away for a couple hours each week and then my Aunt comes in and keeps her.  It is a great situation and the baby is loving all the attention.  And who could ask for better baby-sitters?  Two retired educators with master degrees in education that love your kid like it was their own... Little One will be reading next week, I'm sure of it.

The Easter Bunny was good to us this year... too good.  We've already told her not to expect this to happen again.  It looks like Christmas around here.

Tonight she tried her first bit of sweet potatoes.  We've decided to start making our own baby food as we garden and farm.  My mom made the first batch.  I had never seen a baby gag... until tonight.  I think it was a shock to her senses.  But she liked it because she ate the entire portion.

Little One is a great eater.  It (eating) probably is her favorite thing in the whole world.  It shows on her too-- even her rolls have rolls.  But as Dr. Langdon says, "it is the only time in your life when being chunky is cute."  And let me tell you, it is so cute.

As for work, going back has been super easy.  But knowing that the babe is well looked after and that I'm still her primary source of food, it gives me peace of mind... and truly I do better when I'm at work.  I thrive on a schedule.

And as for a schedule, I'm breaking mine by sitting up and giving a baby update.  It is way past my bedtime and I'm sure that in a very short while, my baby will be crying for a quick feed.

Hopefully, while I'm out on break, I'll have time to write and post later... otherwise, I'm not sure when I'll have time to write again.  Summer break is just around the corner though!

Be good...