Thursday, November 15, 2012

She's Here....

Our Little One has arrived November 6th, weighing in at a respectable 6 pounds, 2 ounces!  I promise to fill in the delightful details very soon... but it is hard to type with one hand and hold a beautiful baby in the other.  For now the baby wins.  You understand riht?

Thursday, November 1, 2012

38 Weeks: Only 5 Days Left to Go...

Tuesday was the start of our 38th week of being pregnant...  and surprisingly I feel really good.  I've had little to no swelling in my feet and just on rare occasions my wedding bands become a little snug.

My blood pressure is holding steady as is my weight... things seem to be going well and more than anything, I'm relieved.  After going through months of infertility, I had sometimes thought that maybe I'm just not "meant" to be pregnant.  And then after finally getting a positive and then becoming so very sick that first trimester, I for sure thought that it was true.  But somewhere near the end of that first trimester the sickness lifted and from there out I've felt good.

Now my biggest complaint is that I'm running out of time to prepare and I'm exhausted.  My afternoons and nights are spent trying to figure out what I need to do next in some desperate attempt to try and be prepared.  Let me just tell you, it is hard to be prepared when you don't know what to prepare for.

But as of tonight... My gowns are washed along with several receiving blankets, burp cloths, blankets and some tiny little baby clothing.  They are folded neatly in a laundry basket just waiting to be put into a bag for the hospital.  The car seat, although not installed into my new car, is downstairs and ready to go.  The baby bassinet is in the bedroom.  The crib is set up, dressed and ready to go, even though it will be a few weeks before our little one lays in it.  The newborn diapers are ready to go.  The nursery, although not 100% perfect is very close to perfect and getting closer everyday.

5 days and counting...  it is so surreal to think that very soon there will be a whole new person around...  a person that we are responsible for and hopefully a person that we can teach not to be scared of clowns-- unlike the dog who is terrified of small children dressed as clowns for Halloween.

Surreal, impossible... truly a miracle and I hope and pray that things go well.