Wednesday, September 12, 2012

30 Weeks: Things We Now Know...

At 30 weeks we now know some more things about Little No Name that we did not know a few weeks ago.

1.  She looks an awful lot like her daddy.  She has his nose and we think she may have a cleft in her chin as well.

2.  She is camera shy.  She keeps her hands (and feet) in her face a lot (which is why we can't tell for sure if she has a cleft in her chin or not.)  We had to do two different 3D-4D ultrasound sessions!

3.  She has pout-y lips... Husband doesn't and I don't really posses this trait either, but my father does, so I'm claiming this trait for my side.

4.  She has my long toes...the trademark long middle toe that towers over the "big toe."

Things have been going pretty well lately besides being extra tired.  We started birthing classes last week and we are well on our way to getting the nursery together.  I finally decided on a crib mattress and I finally ordered the crib bedding.  This past weekend I took the bedding swatches to my favorite fabric store and picked out fabric for the glider rocker I want to recover and a fabric for the curtain panels I want my grandma to make.

Things are coming together!  I want to get a rug maybe, this really cute vintage chest I found at a local store (if it is still there), a new lighting fixture and possibly a bookcase for display.  Still a lot to do, but we are making progress.

I'm thoroughly disgusted from last night's birthing class.  The image of a large half naked woman hanging from a metal pole while pushing out her baby is burned into my brain.  Last night was birth video time.  I've decided that the moment that this is suggested as a pushing technique I should consider... well, that is when I request an operating room and a C-section.  However, I seriously doubt any doctor would willingly want to see that either-- I think it has more to do with the hippie-dippy Douala and that woman's medicine free birth.

We got to take a tour of the birthing center as well and I never once saw the metal pole hanging over any hospital bed.  The "natural childbirth" couple however did ask where it was because, of course, she wants one.  Apparently they hide them in a closet somewhere.

Recently, I learned that 10 extra pounds means I can't wear 6 inch heels all day long and not have sore feet by 3:30pm.  I have resorted to wearing lower heels or (gasp) flats(!) to work.  A pair of flats is in my pocketbook everyday, just in case.

So I think that catches everyone up on where things stand at the moment...  Have a good one!