Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I've been a bad blogger these last few weeks... but as always I have plenty of excuses.  Excuses, although I don't find them attractive, are sometimes all we are left with.  Work is crazy busy.  Most days I come home and I don't know if I'm coming or going.  Exhaustion is my new normal.  I'm learning that it is impossible for me to do two big jobs successfully at the same time.  These days I'm wearing my Test Coordinator hat much more than my well-worn School Counselor hat.

But sometimes work can be a blessing, especially when you're waiting to find out what is going on with the tiny inhabitants inside your body.

Last week we went for our first official OB appointment at my regular doctor's office.  We graduated from specialists to normal-ole-normal--although I have felt nothing close to normal in more weeks than I care to count.

The appointment went well, I'm pleased to report.  We got our third ultrasound.  It was amazing to see what kind of changes had taken place in the last few weeks.  The tiny blob from a few ultrasounds back actually had a baby-like shape this time and surprisingly it was rather active, moving all about.

The good news was that the second baby that had us so worried, had in fact vanished as predicted.  All that remains is an empty sack that apparently will be absorbed by the growing baby. 

We are relieved that things seemed to have corrected itself.  Looking back I had numbed myself in a protective manner because in all honesty, I didn't exactly know what I was going to do if I had to undergo further testing and worry.  After going through so much already with all the infertility testing and procedures we endured this last year, I had nothing left...

Nothing left, and so far to go.  Not a good position to find yourself in... not in the least. 

We go back to the doctor in a couple of weeks.  I have to get a physical, which apparently is standard practice.  I'll probably get to find out my blood type-- something I've always wanted to know...  So exciting things are on the horizon. 

Hopefully I'll be able to share some pictures soon...  I'm just too lazy right now to go and scan something.  I hope you understand. :)