Thursday, September 22, 2011

It's Been a While..

It's been a while.  But so much has been going on, I've found that there isn't much time to blog.  So here I go, attempting to fill everyone in...  Bare with me.

1.  My sister's wedding was weekend before last.  The seige has ended and life is sort of going back to normal. 
2.  The very day after my sister's wedding Husband's grandfather became very ill in the hospital and the family was called in to say our goodbyes.  Thankfully, the doctors were proactive and he is doing worlds better-- PRAYER WORKS!
3.  Work is crazy.  Besides have new duties on my plate, I've got a class this year that is killing me emotionally.  I have two students that cry every afternoon, regardless of the situation.  There is no making them happy!  Did I mention that they are 10 years old???
4.  I'm in decorating mode.  I've not been blogging but I've picked up a few blogs to follow all about decorating and photography.
5.  My new couch comes Tuesday-- one that I ordered in June and was supposed to be here weeks ago-- and now I'm interested in looking at fabrics... lots and lots of fabrics!
6.  Acupuncture is going great!  I highly recommend it to anyone that doesn't deal with stress or just needs an hour to clear your mind, pray, and just be quiet.  I'm loving it!
7.  After Husband's meltdown about me hiding his mail, I've ordered a beautiful wooden wall pocket from Ballard Designs and low and behold, it is helping me make sense of our mail-paper problem!  Yea for organization!
8.  I also ordered a metal boot tray for our back entry... Husband's work boots and sneakers look so nice lined up, neatly by the door!  Maybe Husband's meltdown wasn't such a bad thing after all!
9.  I've been sucked into serving on yet another board position for a not-for-profit organization.  This time it is work related.  The one organization that I thought wouldn't want me because I don't have children, sought me out.  I can't say no.
10.  I have a class that calls me, "Pretty Girl" and ask their teacher, "is the Pretty Girl coming to see us today?"  I love that class and I think I need to move my desk into that room.  What a self-esteem boost!  Did I mention that they are 5???
11.  I've completely turned my life around and I am on a health kick.  I have stopped eating sugar basically (occasionally I eat a sugary dessert-- but rarely).  I have started eating fruit. For years I've lived in fear of eating fruit because of the texture, but I've completely overcame it and today I found myself craving the fruit cup at Chick-Fila.  I also have stopped eating white breads and increased my whole grains... and again, low and behold, I feel great!  Not to mention that my digestive system is performing like a well-oiled machine... something I've never experienced due to my poor diet.  Because I feel good, sticking to this new kick has been super easy.

And that brings just about everything up to speed.  I'll talk about some of these things in more detail, especially when I have some pictures-- like of the wedding, not my digestive system!

Have a good weekend!